Page 25 of Never Falling
I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Thanks, Foster. That's really awful."
"I know. But hey, my sister's dressed you up like a Barbie doll...I hope you have fun tonight." He stared at me for a few seconds, a glint in his eyes that made my body shiver. As his eyes roved up and down my body, I could tell that for all his teasing, he liked what he was seeing.
"Thanks," I said. "I hope I have fun tonight too."
"And what time will you guys be back?" He looked over at Rosalie. "What time are we expecting to go out?"
"Well, I figure if everything goes according to plan, and if Alice meets some nice guys, maybe we'll go for a drink, and then we'll be back around nine or ten o’clock?"
"We're going out at ten o’clock?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "You do know I've got jet lag."
"You do know you're young, Brother. You can sleep it off tomorrow."
"Fine," he said. "Well, just let us know when you're going to be back so we know when we're going to be leaving."
"You guys are just going to be drinking anyway," Rosalie said, shrugging. "Does it really matter when you're just drinking with us as opposed to by yourself?"
Foster stared at his sister for a couple of seconds, then he looked over at me. "Well, you do look very beautiful tonight, Alice. I hope you find exactly what you're looking for."
"Thanks," I said, not really knowing how to take that. "I guess I'm ready to go now."
"Come on. Let's go," Rosalie said, grinning. "I cannot wait to see what hotties we have there tonight." She looked back over at Oliver quickly. "Not for me, of course. For Alice."
"Uh-huh. Just remember that, Rosalie," he said with a smile. We all started laughing.
"Hi, I'm Henry." The man sitting across from me smiled. He had vibrant blue eyes and white-blond hair.
"Nice to meet you, Henry. I'm Alice."
"Ah, like Alice in Wonderland."
"I guess. Not really, but I guess," I said, shrugging, not knowing what to say.
"You going to a ball tonight?" he said, looking at the top of my dress. I chewed on my lower lip. If another guy asked me that this evening, I would scream. I was going to kill Rosalie for having me wear this dress. It had been a conversation starter, but most of the men at this event were making fun of me. No one seemed to be terribly impressed. In fact, they thought I was too much work, from what I could gather.
"No," I said, sighing. "My friend made me wear it. She thought it would capture the eye of the men here and make me stand out."
"Well, you sure do stand out," he said, nodding. "High maintenance is what I'm thinking."
"Excuse me?" I stared at him.
"I'm just saying. If you're wearing a ball gown to a speed dating event, where are you expecting to go on a first date, frigging Italy or Paris or something? You know shit like that only happens in the movies."
"Excuse me? What do you mean?"
"Where men whisk women away on a fancy date. Most of us guys can't whisk anyone away anywhere."
"I mean, if you're looking for a sugar daddy, this is the wrong event to have come to."
"I'm not looking for a sugar daddy. I'm just looking for a..."
"Uh-huh." The dinging of the bell let us know we had a minute left to talk. "Well, I don't know that we would get along in a dating sense," he said, leaning forward, "but you’ve got a nice rack. So if you're interested in anything else…"
"I'm not. Thank you." I sat back and pressed my lips. I looked over at Rosalie, who was staring at me with a curious expression on her face. I gave her a big thumbs down, and she sighed. I was absolutely going to kill her. The bell signaled again to let us know the men would move on to the next table. Next was a tall-looking Asian man with a wide smile on his face.