Page 30 of Never Falling
"Just wait till I tell Oliver," she said. "He's going to be pissed."
"Well, shall we go home?" I said quickly. "I know Oliver and Foster are waiting on us to go out."
"Okay." She nodded. "Let's do it." We made our way toward the exit when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey." I turned around. It was Sam.
"Oh. Hi again."
"So we matched."
"We did," I beamed at him.
"Where are you rushing off to? Is it about to strike midnight?"
I started laughing. "No, we're going to go out for a drink with my friend's boyfriend and her brother."
"Oh, okay." He paused. "Don't suppose I could tag along?" I looked over at Rosalie, and she was grinning.
"Of course, you can," she said. "You know what? Let's just go to a bar, and I'll call Oliver, and they can meet us. Sound good?"
I nodded. "Sounds good." I didn't know if it was the best idea, but I didn't want to say no. And I just hoped that Foster wouldn't read something into it.
"Okay. I understand, Rosalie. Yes. Maybe about thirty-five minutes. Okay. I love you too. Bye."
I listened to Oliver as he spoke on the phone. He put the phone down on the table and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "So there's been a change of plans," he said, making a face.
"And that change of plans is?" I finished the rest of my whiskey, wondering what he was going to say.
"Well, that was Rosalie."
"I figured, seeing as you said you loved her." I laughed.
"Yeah. Well, she and Alice have gone to a bar, and they want us to meet them there."
"So they're not coming back?"
"No, I guess Alice met a guy at the speed dating event, and he wanted to get a drink, so they've all gone out to get a drink." He looked at me, his voice sounding slightly wary.
"Okay, then." I felt slightly annoyed knowing that Alice had met someone she liked enough to stay for another drink with, but it wasn't any of my business. Yeah. We'd sent some fun emails, and I'd got her a teasing present, but we weren't anything.
"You okay?" Oliver said.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I knew my voice was sharp, but I couldn't help it. "Sorry. Maybe I'll have another whiskey before we go."
"Maybe I'll have one too," he said with a nod. "So are you really okay with Alice staying here? I know we haven't really been able to talk in person before you went on your business trip."
"It's fine. Why wouldn't it be? You're no longer in the place, and well, she has her own room, and she needs it. She'll get a job and figure out what she wants to do."
"Yeah, but I know you and Alice have a history." He chose his words carefully.
I stared at him for a couple of seconds. "That was a long time ago, Oliver."
"I know, Foster, but..." He let out a deep sigh. "I just..."