Page 77 of Never Falling
"Go ahead."
"So anyway, I went back with Foster to his dorm room, and he let me sleep in his bed. He was such a sweet guy. He slept on the floor, and the next morning, I figured, 'Hey, this is my chance to go for it.'"
"No way." Rosalie's eyes widened again. "So you and my brother made out?"
"Like Oliver and me." She started laughing. "Oh my gosh. I told you about Oliver. Why didn't you tell me about Foster?"
"No, it wasn't like that. We didn't make out. We kissed... Well, I tried to kiss him, and he kissed me back for like five seconds, but not really. I figured maybe I can try to seduce him. I kind of got naked."
"You what?" Her jaw dropped.
"I got naked, and I tried to make love with him, or whatever, and it obviously didn't work."
"What do you mean you tried to make love with him?" Did you jump on him or something?"
"No. I was in his bed under the sheets naked. When he came back from the shower, we kind of kissed a little bit again. Then he realized I was naked, and he freaked out and left. I told him that I thought I might be in love with him, and—"
"Oh my gosh, Alice." Rosalie looked sad. "I didn't know any of this. You were in love with my brother. Why didn't you ever tell me? Why did you think you had to keep that a secret?"
"Because it was embarrassing. When I told him that, he left, and I didn't see him for hours. Finally, he took me home, and I just felt like a right idiot, and I didn't want you to think that our friendship was based upon me wanting your brother or how I'd been stupid. I didn't want to not be able to come over to your house and hang out in case your brother was there. I don't know. I was young, and I was stupid, and well... Oh I feel horrible. I'm so sorry. You've been my best friend for years, and I wish I told you and—"
"It's okay, Alice." Rosalie squeezed my hands. "I mean, I don't know why you didn't tell me because that was huge. I totally would've understood. I mean, yeah, it's my brother, ew, and he's gross, and he sucks, but I know some women think he's cute, and funny, and whatever." She laughed. "I get why you would be into him, and I don't mind. I'm sorry that he was a dickhead and didn't kiss you back, or whatever, but at least he didn't lead you on, right?"
"Yeah," I said, nodding. "That's exactly how I think about it, you know. I mean, aside from the ultimate humiliation and embarrassment."
"So what made you decide to tell me now?"
"Because I felt bad that I'd never told you, and it's been hanging over me, especially now that I live with Foster and... Well, you know?"
"No, I don't know." She shook her head. "Or what?"
"Well, the other night we kind of kissed.” I paused with dramatic effect and tried not to laugh as the expression on her face went from slight amusement to absolute shock.
"Oh my gosh, shut the front door." She stared at me, and she shook her head. She paused as we saw the server approaching with two glasses of wine.
"Here we go, two Cabernet Sauvignon. Enjoy. Your charcuterie board will be out in a few moments."
"Thank you," I said quickly.
"Yeah, yeah. Thanks," Rosalie said without looking at the server.
"You're welcome."
He walked away, and Rosalie and I just stared at each other. "So are you telling me this because you and my brother are going to be dating, or hooking up, or—”
"No," I said quickly. I don't think we’ll go there because, you know, it's just not the right time."
"What do you mean it's not the right time? Are you not into Foster anymore?"
"I mean, he's hot. He's funny. I really like him, but he very clearly is not looking for a girlfriend and he just wants to concentrate on his job. I mean, we kind of flirt around, but I think he's nervous that if we sort of go any further that, maybe, I will fall in love with him again and he doesn't want that." I sighed. "And that kind of makes me feel like shit because who knows if I'll fall in love with him again. I'm just trying to have some fun too. Why can I not be like every other woman he has fun with? I mean, it's not like he's not having fun with them because he's scared they're going to fall in love with him."
Rosalie looked at me thoughtfully. "Are you sure, Alice?"