Page 84 of Never Falling
"We're coming, Ro!"
Rosalie shouted through the door, "You said that five minutes ago!"
"We're nearly done, Foster." Alice's soft voice sounded.
I headed back toward the living room, where Oliver was sitting down. "Who told me to invite three high-maintenance women."
"That's on you, bro." Oliver laughed. "But hey, they should be done soon."
"I hope so. I really don't want to be late for this event. I can't imagine what Travis will say." I sighed, "Though I was excited to see what Alice was wearing."
"Oh, I need to tell you something. Before the women come out." Oliver said, looking slightly uncomfortable.
"Okay. What's going on?" This is not from me. It's from Rosalie, but..."
"Oh gosh. What is it? Out with it."
"So she wanted me to tell you that she doesn't want you to mess with Alice unless you have true feelings for her or the best of intentions."
"What?" I stared at Oliver. "What the hell?"
"She just doesn't want you to break Alice's heart." He shrugged. "And she said that it's most probably not as awkward coming from me." He rolled his eyes. "You know your sister."
"Oh my gosh, absolutely ridiculous."
"She wanted you to know that she loves you and wants the best for you, but she doesn't want you to break her best friend's heart."
"I'm not trying to break her best friend's heart. Why do you think I haven't done anything with Alice since she's been here?"
"You mean aside from two lap dances?"
"Hey, she gave me the first lap dance."
He laughed. "Yeah, but you didn't have to reciprocate."
"She rubbed her boobs in my face. She was feeling bad about it. I had to reciprocate."
"I'm surprised you guys thumped already." He said, then made a face. "Don't tell your sister I said that."
"It's fine. I mean, I'm not going to lie bro. I want her badly, but it's because she's my sister's best friend that I haven't already taken her and why I have been as much of a gentleman as I can. I still think about all those years ago. You know?"
"Yeah. Back in college?"
"Yeah. I mean, she's fucking sexy and I wanted her then, and I want her now. I'm not going to lie. But I know that she is an emotional woman and I know that she wants something like what you and Rosalie have."
"So then, what are you thinking?" He asked me slowly.
"I'm not thinking anything, dude. It's not the right time for me."
"That's what I was thinking as well, but when...
"No, it's really not. I haven't told anyone yet, but I got a job offer from Travis."
"Oh?" he said.
"A promotion, like big money."
"Congratulations, man!"