Page 9 of Never Falling
"Oh, Alice."
"What? You're my best friend. I can be honest with you." I shrugged. “Shoot, if Henry Cavil were single, I wouldn’t mind going after him. He’s so hot.”
"But really, that's number one?"
"Okay, fiiiiine. Maybe it's not number one. Maybe a good personality can have the top spot."
"Personality? That's not specific enough." She made a face.
"What do you mean that's not specific enough?"
"You need to say what in a personality you like. What's good to you might not be good to someone else."
"Oh my gosh. Why do I feel like I'm doing my dissertation on manifesting a man?"
"That would be kind of cool," Rosalie said.
I rolled my eyes at her response. "No, it wouldn't. Okay. Let me think. Um, I want someone who's loyal and funny and sweet and generous and good looking and good in bed. And—"
"Hey, you're a virgin," Rosalie said. "How will you know if they're good in bed?"
"You were a virgin until you met Oliver. How did you know he was good?"
"True." Rosalie nodded and blushed. "I mean, I can't even imagine there being anyone better than Oliver."
"And you'll never know. What if he's not even good? What if…?"
"Trust me, Alice. He's amazing. I don't need anyone else to know that."
"Okay. But I'm just saying."
"Oh, Alice." She shook her head. "So what else?"
"I would like if it if he liked movies and if he liked to go to concerts, and maybe he'd take an improv class with me because I think that would be really fun."
"Oh my gosh. I'd love to take an improv class." Alice got excited. "What about if you, me, and Oliver sign up?"
"I don't know. I don't really want to be a third wheel at an improv class."
"Well, you, me, Oliver, and Foster will sign up."
"Are you sure your brother will want to sign up?"
"I'll make him. That way, you won't feel like the third wheel. You and Foster can be the third and fourth wheel."
"Yay," I said sarcastically, laughing. "Sounds amazing."
"So I can sign us up?"
"Yeah, I guess. But ask your brother first and maybe ask Oliver. He does not seem the sort to want to do an improv class."
"Trust me, girl, he loves me. He will do whatever I want."
"Really? Would he wear a dress for you?"
"Any day of the week."
"Would he wear a dress and go to a restaurant?" I grinned, and she paused and wrinkled her nose.