Page 94 of Never Falling
"Um, are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I just spoke to DJ Nash over there, and he is about to change the music."
"Oh yeah." She grinned. "You guys like Avicii?"
"I love Avicii," Rosalie said." But this doesn't seem like an Avicii sort of party."
"Maybe not," Molly said with a grin. "But it's about to be."
I started laughing and wondered exactly what Travis and Foster were going to say once the music changed. Within a couple of minutes, a new song started playing that was definitely not the same style.
Molly raised her hands up into the air and started screaming, "I love this song!"
Rosalie and I laughed and started dancing in time to the beat of the music. The next thing I knew, lights flashed on the dance floor, and I felt like I was at a rave. This was certainly not the vibe that a charity dinner was looking for, but that wasn't my problem. I laughed as I danced and sang with my friends, happy to be young, free, and in New York City.
Tonight, I felt like I was on top of the world. I'd made out with Foster, and I'd had an orgasm. He'd looked at me as if I was the only woman in the world, and I knew he wanted me. And I had a feeling that tonight was going to be a night when I was going to make all my dreams come true. I couldn't wait till we got back to the apartment. And if we didn't make love, I would be shocked because he had been harder than I'd ever seen a man before in my life. I licked my lips thinking about it. I felt Rosalie's hand on my shoulder.
"No thinking about Foster now, Alice."
"What?" I said innocently. "I wasn't."
"Uh-huh," she said. "I know that look in your eyes. Right now, it's about us, okay?"
"Okay," I said and nodded. I gave her a quick hug. "I'm so happy to be in New York City with you, Rosalie."
"Me, too. I'm so happy."
And then we looked at Molly. Rosalie grabbed her and pulled her into the hug. "And I'm so happy that you're our new friend. You're great."
"I love you girls," Molly said. "I've never had friends like the two of you, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this group."
"I love you both," I said. And we started jumping up and down as Mike Posner started singing about taking a pill in Ibiza.
"We all have to go to Ibiza one day!" Rosalie said, and I nodded and grinned.
"I'm there."
"Me, too," Molly said. "As long as I can save up the money for a flight."
We all started laughing then, and I knew that this was one of the best nights of my life.
"You looked really beautiful tonight, Alice." Foster's voice was husky as I watched him unbuttoning his shirt.
"Thank you. You looked very handsome," I said. My stomach was jumping up and down as I waited to see if he was going to make a move.
"There's something that I think I should tell you," he said hesitantly. I watched as he had completely undone all his buttons and his shirt gaped open, exposing a wide expanse of tan skin.
I licked my lips nervously. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
"So my boss, Travis, he ..."
"What? He really wants me to work for him?" I said, laughing. "He realizes that I'm absolutely in love with finance?"