Page 17 of Revenge Honeymoon
Max slipped him a wad of cash.
The server’s eyes lit up, he faced the pianist across the room, and clapped his hands. “We have a request! Table fifty-five would like to hearLet It Go.”
The pianist’s shoulders dropped. She hesitated for a second, smiled, and then launched into a lilting version of the Disney classic.
One of the tables closest to the pianist joined in singing the well-worn lyrics.
Crisis over.
Embarrassment forgotten.
Was that Max’s hand on her shoulder?
Emily turned her head. The warmth of his palm seared through the blouse she wore.
“Weddings can be stressful,” he said. “We’ve all probably had a little bit too much to drink.”
Then his hand was gone, and he returned to his seat.
The heat of his hand lingered. Goose bumps rose on her skin.
“Right” Ruby said.
Max picked up the menu. “Have you figured out what entrée you want? I’m thinking Steak Diane with Garlic Smashed Red Potatoes.”
Ruby’s brows squished together, and she mouthed at Emily ‘Are you ok?’
Emily nodded and let out a controlled breath. “What else do they have?”
Her Max fantasies needed to end. This was not possible. Since she’d seen him at boarding, she’d let her mind get the best of her. Now she’d looked the fool. The cruise was about Ruby healing from her no-good, jerk of a fiancé who hadn’t even bothered texting her since the day of the wedding. Was she really so love-lorn that she needed to create impossible fantasies in her head? The last thing she wanted to be was a burden on poor Ruby. Emily was supposed to be the strong one.
Suck it up, Buttercup, and be the best friend that Ruby deserved.
“Salmon, a chicken dish I’ve never heard of, lasagna, and some vegetarian thing with chickpeas,” Max read off the menu.
* * *
After they ordered their entrées, Max poured them all a glass of ice water. No more wine, which was a very good idea. One outburst per meal was probably best.
“What do you ladies do for work?” His steak took up two-thirds of his plate, and he seemed eager to dig in and spend most of his time eating rather than talking.
“I’m a pharmaceutical rep,” Ruby answered.
He paused mid bite, looked up, and nodded. “Makes sense.”
“What do you mean?” Emily asked.
“One of my friends is a doctor. He’s maybe mentioned once or twice how good looking the drug reps are.” He took a drink of water. “I don’t mean anything by it. I’m sure you’re very good at what you do—”
“She is.” Emily crossed her arms.
He held up his hands in a defensive gesture. “I didn’t mean anything negative, just that your wife is a very pretty woman.”
He thought Ruby was pretty. Of course he did. Did she really think he wouldn’t find Ruby to be attractive? But yet it still bothered her, even though she expected men to see Ruby and not see Emily at all. She was supposed to set this aside. She was supposed to let it lie. Yes, it had to end.
Emily grabbed her best friend’s hand and kissed the back of it. “She is the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Ruby pressed her lips together. Holding back a laugh?