Page 53 of Revenge Honeymoon
He couldn’t remember.
When he accidentally opened up the wrong folder of photos, he’d been shocked at their reaction. Thank God he’d stopped clicking before he reached the Emily series.
His groin throbbed at the recollection of Emily in that green swimsuit. All that soft skin exposed for him to see.
Back in her cabin, covered in white cream and wrapped in a comforter, she’d been irresistible. The desire to kiss her and taste those perfect lips and to wrap his arms around her body and feel her curves against him had been overwhelming.
The elevator door opened. He let out a breath and shook his head to free himself of the impossible thoughts he had about Emily.
Ahead he saw the hidden door for the stairs down to the crew levels where he belonged.
He opened the door and took the stairs two at a time. He needed a drink. Maybe two.
Starfish or Dolphin?
The blaring of Ruby’s cell phone alarm woke Emily the next morning.
“Five more minutes,” she mumbled and rolled over onto her side. “Ouch.” The movement caused her sensitive, burned skin to send a zing of pain up her arm.
“You have to come out here, Em.”
She opened one eye, which revealed Ruby standing on the balcony. With a moan, she rolled out of bed. “It’s seven in the morning.”
“We have to meet in the main theater at eight-thirty for our excursion.” Ruby finished braiding her thick hair into one perfect CGI cartoon princess braid, which she draped over her shoulder.
Emily stepped onto the balcony. Before her a beautiful, palm-tree lined coast stretched as far as the eye could see. “Okay, Jamaica is amazing.” The morning sun broke through a puffy white cloud and bathed the scene in golden light.
Would Jamaica be enough to keep her mind off of yesterday? The fluttery feeling in her stomach when Max leaned in. The almost-kiss. It must’ve been a kiss. What other reason would a man have to lean in so close to her face?
“I know, right?” Ruby reached out a hand. “Come on, experience this with me.”
The two friends stood side by side and let the beauty of the island scene wash over them.
“Thanks for letting me share this with you.” Emily wanted to focus on the fun day ahead of them, not the lost possibility of a kiss from her dream man.
“I’m glad you could drop everything for me, Em.” Ruby leaned away to look her friend in the eye. “You have a life, a business. It was a sacrifice for you to come on the cruise.”
Emily breathed in the fresh sea air. “If this is a sacrifice, I’d gladly do it again. Besides, I’m still trying to lift my idea off the ground.”
Her friend tilted her head. “I thought you’d lined up a few clients already?”
“Oh, I have, but a few clients doesn’t make a business.” Emily’s stomach knotted at the risk she’d taken launching her gourmet picnic idea after the security of her hotel job.
Ruby scrutinized her fingernail polish. “I think you need to pump up your website.”
“Oh?” Emily looked out at the shoreline.
“You have a cute design and a good explanation of the services you provide, but I think it needs something else.” She shrugged.
“Like what?” With her life savings invested in her business, Emily would take any advice her super successful saleswoman friend could give.
“I can’t quite put my finger on it.” Ruby tapped a finger on her chin. “The main page is fantastic, and the ordering page where someone can put together their perfect picnic? Love it.”
“But?” The discussion brought the budding entrepreneur to full wakefulness.
“But it’s missing the ‘Emily’ factor.” She emphasized her point with her hands. “You are so vibrant and creative. I want your website to get that across to people who don’t already know you.”