Page 82 of Revenge Honeymoon
He peeled her hand away. “Don’t hide from me.” With his arms he’d created a cage around her body. “And you were right: you’re a screamer.” He gave her a sexy slow smile. “And I love it.” He swooped down to kiss a path from her neck to her ear.
She shivered. “You do?”
“Absolutely.” His voice rumbled in her ear.
His answer gave her an odd confidence she’d never felt in bed with a man. “Can I be on top?”
He stopped kissing her neck and rested his forehead against her cheek. “You’re going to kill me, Emily.”
Her insides quivered. “I just thought it might be fun—”
Before she could finish the sentence, he’d grabbed hold of her and rolled them both across the bed until she was above him. “How can you possibly be even more gorgeous?”
Her face heated, but her shyness had melted away. He’d beendown therefor heaven’s sake. Straddling him totally naked? No problem.
If this was only going to happen once between them, she wanted to wring as much out of it as she could. Enough memories to last her a lifetime. For one night, Max wanted her. Too bad he’d regret it tomorrow after she’d followed through on her plan. He’d probably never want to see her again.
Max slid his hands up the sides of her waist and fondled her breasts.
Emily threw back her head and shoved her negative thoughts to the back of her mind. All she wanted to do was focus on the two of them, making love, and let the rest of the world be damned.
“Can I?” he asked breathlessly.
She brushed her hair from her eyes and nodded.
He thrust up into her, and she moved in a focused rhythm. All of it felt so right. She rested a palm on his perfect abs and stared into his beautiful green eyes as they rocked together.
“Emily?” he whispered.
“Yes?” Her breathing came faster now. The second time in one night she might scream.
Wow. She always thought that was a myth.
“I think I love you.”
* * *
Those words—‘I love you’—bounced around in Emily’s head for an hour after Max had fallen asleep with his arm possessively thrown across her naked torso.
The sex had been the best of her life. Half the reason had been the way Max had made her feel comfortable in her own body. Never had a man made her feel that way about her oversized breasts, extra wide hips, and fleshy stomach.
But love? Did he really love her or only love the sex? Hard to believe in a few days someone could declare love. Look what happened to Ruby and Tyler. And that was after months of dating and making plans to get married.
No, Max didn’t love her. It was something he said out of obligation, maybe. What a woman expected to hear perhaps. A way for him to feel okay about a one-night stand on a cruise with a woman he would never see again. Yes, that was probably it. The only explanation that made any sense. She’d been an easy mark...easy and eager for such a perfect male specimen to bed her.
Well, she’d built it into her plan, so could she really blame him for taking the bait? Any man probably would’ve done the same. Commitment-free sex? Sure. A guy’s dream, wasn’t it?
Slowly, she slid out from under his arm. He rolled over with a grunt, and she froze. But he went back to sleep. Then she picked up a T-shirt he’d laid across the back of a chair, pulled it over her head, and wriggled into her teeny tiny underwear.
His laptop lay on the vanity next to the bed. She sat in front of it and tapped the touchpad with her fingers to bring the screen to life. The bright light blinded her for a second or two.
She glanced at Max’s sleeping figure. Dead to the world. He didn’t suspect a thing. She would fulfill her promise to her best friend and rescue her from the Weird Twins. If the photos no longer existed, they couldn’t really use them in their ad campaign, now could they?
Emily clicked around on the folders on his desktop. Those pictures had to be there somewhere.
Folder after folder she opened. Eventually, she figured out Max’s naming system: Date, Location, Subject. Plenty of folders were dated since the cruise began, most full of portrait photos taken that first night. Everyone’s free honeymoon photo shoot. Then, she zeroed in on the day after—when they’d made the date to meet on the pool deck. One folder had the subject: Pool. Another folder dated the same day had the subject: Personal.