Page 91 of Revenge Honeymoon
Was he stuck?
Emily had made it as clear as she possibly could Max should drive around her and keep on going. Maybe she’d run into some good luck and a rainstorm would pop up out of nowhere and rinse away all the mud and muck covering her. But one thing she did not want was Max seeing her in such a ridiculous state.
He’d finally taken the hint, crept around her and into the puddle, and after only fifteen feet, he’d stopped. The odd angle of the ATV told her it had sunk unevenly into the mud below.
Now what?
The distant sound of the Travel Blog duo’s ATV meant she and Max were alone on the trail. No one else was behind them.
Emily held her breath, her mind whirring.
Max pulled off his helmet and shook out his luxurious wavy locks. It seemed to happen in slow motion, like a model in a cologne ad.
Emily blinked a few times.
He climbed off his ATV and landed knee-deep in the mucky water. He lifted up one foot, then the other, shaking them off.
Should she say something?
Her heart pounded.
Without acknowledging her presence, he took a few steps back and scanned the ATV from nose to tail. Then he grabbed the handlebars, leaned into the machine, and pushed with all his might. The ATV maybe moved an inch. He pushed again, this time with a grunt and then a strangled cry of frustration.
“Dammit!” He kicked one of the submerged tires causing a splash of muddy water.
Emily’s eyebrows shot up. She’d never seen him angry before.
Back at the safety briefing, she’d envisioned this sort of situation happening to her and how horrible it would be, how embarrassing. “That sucks.” The words popped out of her mouth before she could stop herself. As if she had zero control, even more flowed out, “Do you need some help?”
“I don’t think it’s going to move.” He covered his mouth with his hand. Then, he let out a huge sigh. “Could you give me a lift?” Before she could respond, he held up a hand. “Just until we find a guide on the trail who can maybe tow this thing out of here.”
Emily nodded. Could she really say no? That would be super mean. Besides, if the same thing had happened to her, she was quite positive Max would’ve provided assistance. In fact, she couldn’t imagine himnotdoing that.
Her mind flitted through all of the encounters she’d had with Max since she’d stepped foot on the ship. All the gentlemanly moves. No matter how ridiculous the situation, he’d made her feel safe and respected. Even last night in bed. She’d never given a man permission so many times during sex.
He cleared his throat. “Well?”
“Yes, of course. No problem.” She rubbed at her cheek with the back of her forearm, which only smeared more mud across her face. Great. Perfect time to share an ATV with a man—when she looked as if an alligator had drug her through the swamp several times.
“Thanks.” Max trudged through the water with helmet in hand. “I’d suggest you ride around the edge.”
“Right.” As he drew nearer, her whole body froze. Her spine turned as rigid as a Catholic in line for the Confessional after a wild weekend.
His hand gripped her shoulder, and he threw a leg over the back of the ATV.
All the feelings she’d had last night came rushing back in a flood.
“What happened to you, anyway?” His breath tickled the back of her neck.
She let out a measured sigh. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? “Nothing. Let’s get going. Don’t want to hold you up.” When his arm snaked around her middle, she pressed on the gas a little too quickly and shot out into the puddle.
“Whoa, better veer off to the right,” Max gestured with his free hand, “Or we’re both stuck here together.”
Right. Together. In the jungle. Alone.
No, she could not handle that.