Page 16 of The Kings Game
“Still plotting world domination, then?” I ask, my brown eyes meeting hers in the mirror.
“I’m still me, aren’t I?”
I laugh.
“We’re supposed to dress in an evening gown for dinner tonight.”
“Jesus. What did we unwittingly sign ourselves up for?” I say, looking at my closet and realizing all those fine gowns make sense. I get the feeling that gone are the days of eating ramen for dinner in bed while wearing leggings and an old T-shirt. Instead, we’re trying to become queens and have to look and act the part. “I guess we might as well spend our afterlife playing dress-up.”
“What did you two talk about?” Cat asks, watching me from the corner of her eye.
I walk to the wall of shoes so that my back is to her. “The usual getting-to-know-you stuff. Hopes, dreams, how being an orphan has shaped who I am today. What his uniform is. Standard things.”
“So, you told him about your parents?”
“I mean, not in detail, just the broad strokes. You’ll be proud of me; I opened up more than usual.” I’m not yet ready to admit to Cat the regrets I told Essos about. I’m sure she knows and would get it, but her own grief is still so fresh, so tender.
There’s a pause as I think about how Cat spent our first night in the house crying herself to sleep. Her family was kind enough to take me in during the summer after freshman year, but forging a parent-child bond was not something that came naturally to me.
Eager to lighten the mood, I turn to face her. Her expression tells me that she knows I probably wasn’t totally forthcoming with Essos. I hate that, without even knowing the content of my conversation, she’s pointing out with only a look what a hypocrite I am. Essos is asking me to trust him by putting his trust in me. Not with his silly blue shirt, but by revealing the necklace, which is very dear to him.
“I mean, do I really need to divulge all my inner traumas to a man who knows enough about us that you have Honey Bear and my grandmother’s rings are in my jewelry box? Unlikely.”
Cat shrugs, squeezing Honey Bear tighter. How many times has Essos gone through this? How many times has he been burned in his attempt to find—what, love? At the least, he’s trying to find eternal partnership, and I clammed up, unwilling to share anything. While trust might not come easily, I can see that he’s also trying to find someone hewantsto place his trust in. I can’t imagine that trying to build relationships with twenty coeds is easy.
I have a sudden idea and start looking through my closet, but don’t find what I’m hoping for. “Do you know how we can get in touch with Sybil?” I ask, prompting Cat to give me a funny look, but she graciously allows the subject change.
“I think they’re a little like Bloody Mary—you have to say their name three times while turning in a circle with your eyes closed in front of a mirror.”
I immediately do so, causing Cat to laugh until there is a knock at the door. My eyes fly open.
Cat beats me to the door and when she pulls it open to find Sybil on the other side of it, she bursts into laughter.
Sybil gives her a strange look and thrusts a sheet of paper into each of our hands. “Your schedules for the week. The times and outfit requirements are listed there for your convenience. Please be downstairs for dinner by 5 p.m.” They turn to go, long braid swinging.
“Sybil!” I call out, stopping them. They turn toward me. “Can I speak with you?”
They nod and step back in, and I shoo Cat back to her own room to get ready. She looks almost hurt but seems to accept that I need my space.
Sybil closes the door behind them. “Is there something you need?” they ask, holding their folder to their chest.
“Actually, yes. Would you be able to get me something before tonight?”
Sybil tilts their head, curiosity written all over their features. “Why don’t we see if I can?”
And so, I make my request.
Ishouldn’t be surprised that Sybil is able to fulfill my request, but I am. It does set me behind in getting ready, but I hardly mind, since it will help me send the right message tonight. I can’t explain it, but I’m a bundle of nerves, anxious to get downstairs and get on with this evening.
I descend the stairs, my heels clicking with each step I take, my hand on the cold metal banister keeping me steady. Everyone is gathered in the ballroom, chatting, including Essos, who stands by the grand piano. I hold my head high as I walk down to meet him in my turquoise blue satin gown, the same color as the undershirt Essos showed me earlier in the day. The full skirt rustles as I make my way into the room.
Time seems to slow as Essos turns to look at me, taking in the full effect. I warm as his gaze sweeps me from top to bottom before coming back to meet my eyes. It’s almost too much, like an inferno is burning inside me, and it has nothing to do with his powers and everything to do with how he’s looking at me. His lips part as he reads into this exactly what I intended. The urge to run my thumb over his lower lip causes my mind to malfunction, because so easily the image of him nibbling gently on my thumb after the action comes to me. Even though I know that this is what he asked of me, my hands still shake with nerves over his reception.
The neckline is modest, but the dress is backless, which he doesn’t yet see. My hair is swept away from my face again, in a simple chignon at the nape of my neck. The bruises on my face are not an exact match to the dress, but I can do only what I can.I wear no jewelry except for drop earrings. At the bottom of one hangs the moon, and on the other, the sun.
Beside Essos, Madison realizes that he’s no longer listening to her. She might turn to face me, but I don’t know, because I nearly stumble taking the next step. The restraint is obvious on Essos’s face, as he takes a step toward me, but I just give him a bright smile and shake my head. If I don’t look away from him, I will fall down the stairs and break my neck.