Page 33 of The Kings Game
Finn drums his fingers against his lips. “And when Essos asked what happened, you told him it was nothing?”
“I did.”
“It’s probably nothing, but you’re right not to tell Essos. He’s a worrier.”
“Right? That’s what I said.”
Finn lifts his paddle and calls, “Are you ready for us to whoop your asses?”
After another game ends, we switch partners again, girls against boys this time, and it is a decisive victory for Cat and me. Sybil is still sitting in the same chair, looking amused as we win without them sinking a single cup.
“I think that’s the night, boys.” I laugh, watching Essos knock back the last cup I sank. The adrenaline is starting to wear off, exhaustion settling in my limbs. I doubt I would be able to hit the ball at all if I played another match. With the games played over such a long span of time, what we did have to drink hasn’t really affected Cat and me. For the most part, the boys were the ones knocking the drinks back in a show of chivalry.
“I want a rematch!” Finn protests.
Essos places the cup on the table before waving it all away. “Perhaps another night, but for now, I do have a full day of work tomorrow and likely another meeting to attend.” He walks over and gives Cat a hug as Finn high-fives me.
“Killjoy,” Finn accuses, before giving Cat a hug as well. He squeezes her arms, lifting her off the ground and spinning her. “Ah, good game all around. Let me walk you in.” Finn offers Cat his arm, and she takes it, giving me a wink and walking off with him.
Essos grins at me, brushing the hair from my face.“I truly needed this. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.”
For a moment, I think he might kiss me, and my eyes flick to his lips, prompting me to wet mine. He lets out what sounds like a disappointed breath before pressing his lips to my forehead, and I share in that disappointment. Although…if he’s so disappointed, I don’t get why he won’t just kiss me. He hasn’t kissed anyone but Zara, as far as I know, and the times I have caught them, she’s been the one who instigated it. I have the urge to get on my toes to kiss him myself, and the brave part of me that told him I wanted him to bite pushes me forward a step.
Essos takes a step too, closing the distance so we’re chest to chest. The thin tulle of my dress grates against my skin, and I can feel my nipples harden in anticipation. I tell those hussies to relax, because if he’s not even going to kiss me, then they’re definitely not seeing any action from his mouth tonight.
“I’m glad. You work hard—you need to do something to relieve some of that stress.” I keep the disappointment from my voice.
“I didn’t used to be like this. Once, my life was very different. I’m hoping that I can find that again, somewhere in this group. I think I will. God, I want so badly to kiss you.” It sounds torn from him. Essos reaches for me, pulling me against him by the waist, anchoring me to him. I didn’t think we could get closer, and yet here we are, in a tight lovers’ embrace. I’m sure he can feel my heart beating wildly against my ribs, eager to break free and crash with his. I reach up and press my hand over his heart, and I can feel the same frenzied beating. His admission comes with something rare—a blush spreading over his cheeks. But just as quickly as he pulled me to him, he releases me, staying close.
“Why don’t you? I know you’ve kissed Zara.”
“Because this is not the perfect moment, both of us half-drunk on champagne. You deserve better, and the best things are worth waiting for. I would wait a thousand lifetimes for you.”
I swoon at his words, the corners of my mouth pulling up into a smile. He does lean down and brush the corner of my mouth, missing my lips.
“Let me walk you to your room.” He offers me his arm again, and I notice Sybil is trying to look very interested in the notebook in front of them. The way they’re staring at it, I would bet money that it’s a blank page.
“You can always join me in my room,” I say, then immediately blush, and he laughs.
“Always so bold.” Essos’s voice is husky, like he wants to take me up on the offer but thinks better of it. We walk to my room in silence, my thoughts repeating the same thing—I can’t believe I just said that to him. When we reach my door, he gives me another deep bow. “Thank you again for an amazing night.”
He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, but the gleam in his blue eyes lights up something in my chest before he leaves. I go inside and lean against the closed door in a full swoon, knowing that he’s walked away with a piece of my heart.
Our new normal involves breakfast with Essos before his workday and before our classes. Information is being shoved down our throats with each passing day, and it’s hard to keep up with the who’s who. Luminara, who was meant to be the yoga instructor after flag football, is the Goddess of Harmony. When talking about her, Sybil seemed quiet and almost moony. Then there’s Dion, and talking about the God of Wine made my stomach turn. While other girls were joking about how much fun he must be, I was left wondering why I mentioned him in my dream and why no one could tell me the godsdamned truth. We’ve talked about everyone below the royal family, but Essos’s siblings are still a giant question mark.
Every evening, we attend dinner with him, followed by a dance. I never thought I would tire of pretty dresses, but having to be “on” every night is exhausting. Slowly, our numbers dwindle. It’s always quiet; the girls say their goodbyes one night and are gone the following day. One month into the process, we have only twelve girls left.
We are at breakfast one morning, a little hungover and too tired to do anything but quietly enjoy our meals, when the sound of the front door banging open startles us all.
Essos stands quickly.“Stay here,” he orders, but before he can take two steps toward the door, a man enters the room. The hairs on my arms rise.
If Essos is the night sky, all dark colors and hidden beauty, then this man is the sun personified. He’s a touch shorter than Essos but seems take up more space. His hair is a golden blond, his eyes hidden behind a pair of aviators, as if he’s too bright even for himself. He takes them off once he’s in the room, facing away from Essos, and I glimpse light brown eyes flecked with gold. He flashes us all a grin with brilliantly white perfect teeth.He’s casual to Essos’s formal, a T-shirt and cargo shorts not the only thing setting them apart.
“Big brother. You’ve been keeping secrets!” He gives Essos a tight hug as he says this. Essos frowns, reluctantly returning the hug. I swear I can see him seething, but he tries to cover up his anger and frustration by straightening his suit. The room warms by several degrees and I’m not the only one who notices. The stranger raises one pale eyebrow.
“Baby brother. How good of you to come by. I’m afraid your visit is inconvenient. If you could check with Sybil for my availability, perhaps we can arrange a visit at another time.”