Page 67 of The Kings Game
“I think that your family will heal, the same way anyone does. I think that you are a shining light, and you were especially one for your family, and they need to learn to live without that light. That is going to be so,sohard, but they will get there—you have to have faith in that.” I watch Cat listening to what I have to say as she fiddles with the remote.
Cat looks skeptical, as if she wants to believe me but isn’t sure. I take the remote and start scrolling to see what our options are. Our brains need a serious break, so we decide on an old favorite. We spend the rest of the day curled up together watchingGrey’s Anatomyreruns as if this were a regular Saturday when we were hungover and tired and avoiding responsibilities like homework and tests.
Sybil pokes her head in with some food for us—a nice big bowl of popcorn and other snacks. They duck out of the room as silently as they came in, and I’m not even sure if Cat noticed. Cat cries intermittently, her tears leaving her eyes red-rimmed and glassy. We watch until our brains are fried, and once Cat falls asleep, I sneak back to my own room to get ready for bed.
It’s not until I reach into my pocket that I remember the petals Finn gave me earlier in the day. Only, they’re not just petals anymore, but a fully formed lush rose, all in one piece.
The next day, the rose that underwent its reverse transformation is crushed inside my bra. I’m grateful that the short stem is thornless so I can keep it close to me as a reminder. Part of me is afraid that it wasn’t real, that it’s somehow a trick, but I don’t think that Finn would do that to me. I think it might have been his way of confirming what I’ve been asking, at least in some part. Little things start to click—the flowers wilting around Zara, her glass exploding, and I’m not sure, but maybe even her drink changing from a vodka martini to gin. Both are plant-based, after all.
I slept with the flower under my pillow and was surprised when it maintained its full shape in the morning. It’s made me more desperate for answers.
Galen and I are alone in the dining room for the first time since he told me we used to be married. Since he told me Essos is trying to steal his wife. I’m done with my breakfast, so I rest my chin in my hand as I watch him eat cereal.
“Would you stop that?” He glances at me. “It’s distracting.”
“Distracting you from what? Eating?”
“Now that you mention it, yes.” He shoves another spoonful into his mouth.
“I want another memory.” I move to a chair closer to his.
His golden-brown eyes watch me closely as I continue to play musical chairs. “That’s going to have to be a hard no. The last time we did it, you got nosebleeds. I’m not inclined to put you through that again.”
I move another chair closer. “I don’t think I’m going to give you a choice about this. They’re my memories, and I want more. Especially if you want me to stay silent about them.”
A dark look passes his eyes.“Fine, but I don’t appreciate being blackmailed.” He reaches out and grabs my wrist a little harder than necessary. Before I can really register the pain…the vision begins.
I’m pinned against a wall, my bare breasts pressed against the window, moaning as Galen enters me.
“Do you get off on the idea of them watching us together? I want you to scream my name, as you come around my cock. I want them to know how you like getting fucked.” His hand fists in my hair, and he pulls back my head and bites hard on my neck.
“Oh, gods yes, I do, Galen.” My voice doesn’t sound right. It’s guttural, but maybe that’s just from the angle of my throat. As Galen thrusts into me from behind, it feels like it’s happening to someone else.
There is something different about this memory, and I don’t like it. I can feel the pleasure in my body as it happens, but it’s like I’m not actually there. Is that because I pushed him to give me the memory?
The scene cuts off suddenly, and I look at Galen, my heart pounding in my chest. He’s released my wrist and is turning to his brother, who has just entered the room, with a smile. I pull back my hand and rest both in my lap. I keep my teeth clenched, trying to stop myself from being sick all over the table. For once, I’m grateful that Essos is more focused on glaring at Galen than he is on me. Essos’s gaze does flick to me, and a slight narrowing is the only indication that he picked up on something even if he’s not sure what it is.
“I do hope I’m not interrupting,” Essos says coldly, glaring at his brother. I’m rubbing my wrist, looking from Galen to Essos.
“Not at all, brother. Daphne was simply wondering if she still had a pulse, and I offered to check for her,” Galen answers. They are staring each other down, not willing to break eye contact.
“And does she?” Essos asks.
“She does, but I imagine you already knew that, being King of the Underworld and all.”Galen smiles before shoving another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
“You’re correct in stating that, brother. I am the King of the Underworld, and I trust you won’t forget it.”
I sit awkwardly between them, hoping for something to break the tension. Thankfully, Cat walks in with a big yawn, followed by Zara.
Essos waits as the remaining women file into the room. Only nine of us are at the table, which is surprising—we were ten yesterday.
Once everyone is seated, Essos stands again. “There was an incident last night, and Madison was asked to leave,” he says shortly. “It has been too long since we had a ball. I'm going to ask everyone to dress appropriately this evening. We have almost one month until the final ball, and I need you to be as prepared as possible for that evening.”
We never get to ask what happened to Madison, because breakfast is interrupted.
“Oh, that’s all right, brother, you don’t have to have a ball in my honor,” a smooth, accented female voice says from the doorway.