Page 97 of The Kings Game
“Shit, Daphne.” He shakes his head. “You really made a mess of things.”
“What’s happening out there?”
“Well, your new beau is the King of the Underworld in waiting, thanks to your endorsement, and Essos is out. Galen is calling for his head. Where is he?”
“Gone,” I say simply. I can’t tell him what I don’t know.
Finn spies my underwear and picks them up. “Not without a parting gift, it would seem,” he says harshly. I snatch them from his hand and gesture for him to turn around while I put them on. Finn obliges like the gentleman he is.
“I’m not really sure what you’re expecting, Phineas,” I say sharply. “I’m sure you were aware of the rules Posey set out, which is whyyoudidn’t tell me what was happening, either. Otherwise, this entire situation could have been avoided. What do you have to be mad about?”
“What do I have to bemadabout? I don’t know—Essos is a king, and he disappeared to get his rocks off instead of fighting for his realm. Besides, you know I couldn’t risk the Calling being stopped,” he counters.
“Then stop blaming me. You could have done more. YouknewGalen was playing me. You’ve known it since he got here, and all you did was be cryptic. Don’t lay this mess at my feet. We all had our parts to play.” I grab hold of the anger that is becoming my new companion, and I let it fester and grow. It taps into my power, into the darkness in my heart that Helene admired when she got here. I let it mold me into something else. Something strong. Over my heart, a black stain appears on my dress, growing outward and morphing it from purple to black. Layers appear, adding tiers to the dress, while the neckline creeps up my throat in black lace and extends down my arms as well. I watch the transformation happening with interest until the last of the purple is blotted out.
If Galen wants the Queen of the Underworld, he’ll get her.
“I see your powers are returning, my queen.” When I look at Finn, he has dropped to one knee, head bent. I glance at him with a frown. I’ve never demanded such shows of deference, never asked anyone to get on their knees for me—not like Posey does.
“Slowly, a little too slowly for my liking. I’m going to need everything I have to fight Galen. Enough of that.”
Finn rises, not taking his eyes off me. I wave a hand over my face, changing my makeup from a natural look to heavy dark eyes and red, red lips. The curls in my hair lift, twisting themselves together in a complicated updo. It may not have birds and flowers in it, but it does the trick.
Finn gives me an approving look.“You’ll be needing this.” He summons my old crown—not my favorite, but the one of death and spikes.
I rest it on my head. “How do I look?” I ask, twisting the top layer of my tulle skirt. I peek at him through my dark lashes.
“Like the queen of death and ruination. Like someone who is going to make Galen very sorry that he picked this fight.” His tone is somber.
“Good.” I walk out of the room with my head held high, mouth firm. Finn follows behind me, arms behind his back. I can feel the change in the air, a sudden static tension. People have fallen in line behind Galen, the next presumptive King of the Underworld, and I see Posey standing by his side.
I never liked that bitch.
As I sweep through the room, people fall to their knees in the same pose as Finn.
“The queen is back,” is whispered among them. Posey looks pissed that people are doing this without my demanding it. This is the difference in our reigns. I may rule what is dead and beneath the earth, but she forces respect. I command it.
My gaze scans the room for Cat and Zara, and I’m pleased to find them standing beside Kai. There is still so much I need to relearn, alliances and loyalties, especially after Galen’s coup. But now that I remember, my trust in Helene is solid, and Kai is the god equivalent of a teddy bear, albeit a very deadly teddy bear. They’re safe right where they are, and it’s one less concern. Essos would never take them from me, and I won’t send them away.
After finding my friends, I look for the cause of my strife. The beat of my heart snags for an entirely different reason now.
“My love,” Galen says, abandoning Posey’s side to come to me.
My lips twist into a small smile. I hold out my hand to him. “Shall we dance?” I ask him, trying to keep my emotions in check. One look at Posey and the flowers in her hair wilt. I may be the goddess of spring and flowers and brightness, but rebirth comes from the dead decaying flowers before it. I can take just as much as I can give.
“Of course.” Galen laughs and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me against his body. He drags his nose along the column of my neck, inhaling deeply. To outside observers, it probably looks like a gentle, loving gesture, but I know it for what it is. “You stink of him,” he hisses in my ear, squeezing my side.
“Music!” I call out. The musicians and the workers don’t know what to do. They were here for Essos, for the King of the Underworld. I have to do what I’ve always done in his absence—step in and take control.
The music starts, the musicians playing at a faster tempo than what we practiced. I’m grateful that I can keep up. I was graceful once, dancing until all hours of the morning with my friends before Essos, before dying. Galen and I are both too distracted by the urgency to keep up to match wits.
“I had hoped to be the one to break you in now that you have your memories back,” Galen whispers in my ear.
I’m not subtle in my response, sending my stiletto into his foot.
“I’m afraid you’re just going to have to keep waiting until we’re husband and wife.” It’s a false promise; I’ll never wed him, but it at least buys me time. He sends me into a back-breaking dip before whipping me up against his chest.
“You’re damaged goods now. There is nothing quite like the way a god fucks.” He runs his nose along the curve of my neck the same way Essos did. I clench my teeth so hard I think I crack a molar. “Perhaps I should just tie you to a bed and let the rest of the guests have their chance to put a queen in her place.”