Page 66 of A Duke to Save Her
“Viscount Snowden has two daughters. Eloise and Alice. The first he raised as his own beloved daughter, and the second, he sent to an orphanage to hide the shame of the scandal that an illegitimate child brings,” he said loudly.
At these words, Lord Crawford turned and stared at Eloise in utter disbelief. Her father faltered, clutching his hands together as though in despair at the revelation set before them. Eloise could hardly believe what she was hearing.
“Illegitimate?” she breathed, and Jackson nodded.
“That’s right. Your sister, Alice, is the illegitimate child of your father and…” he began, but he was interrupted by a voice behind him.
“Me,” Silvana called out and strode down the aisle. She was the very likeness of Alice, save for the advancement of years.
There was no doubting the resemblance, even after all these years. Eloise could see her sister’s face – older, but unmistakable. The hair, the eyes, the manner of her expression… it was like looking back, whilst also looking forward. The woman advanced on Eloise’s father, who shrank back in terror.
“No, it… it can’t be,” he stammered.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Lord Crawford demanded, but before Eloise’s father could answer, another figure appeared on the aisle.
She was dressed in a simple white dress, her head was covered by a bonnet, and her hair – long and red – flowed down her shoulders. Eloise stared at her in astonishment, her eyes wide as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. It was Alice. It was unmistakably Alice, her dear sister, the sister she had thought lost forever.
“Alice,” Eloise gasped, dropping her posy and running down the aisle.
She flung her arms around her, clutching at her, as her sister did the same.
“Eloise, oh, dear, dear, Eloise. How I’ve missed you,” Alice cried, clinging to her sister.
“I’ve missed you, too. How I searched for you, how I longed for you. I don’t… I can’t believe you’re here. Why… oh, I have so many questions. I don’t know where to begin,” Eloise exclaimed, stepping back, and gazing into her sister’s eyes.
She remembered the last time she had gazed into them. Alice had been sitting on her bed and Eloise had been plaiting her hair. As children, they would always play with one another’s hair, and her sister had turned to her and smiled.
“That’s enough for tonight,” she had said, smiling, and the two had bid one another goodnight.
That was the last time they had seen each other. So much had passed since that fateful day. So many memories made, so many hopes shattered and so much water under the bridge. But now they were together again, and it seemed to Eloise as though nothing else mattered. This was the moment she had dreamed of, the moment she had longed for. It was a moment in time, and all else seemed to fade into the background – the church, the guests, the angry voices of Lord Crawford and their father. Nothing else mattered, only Alice and her return.
“I’m so glad to see you, Eloise. Though not under such sad circumstances.” Eloise slipped her hand into her sister’s.
“But that doesn’t matter now. You’ve come back, and we have each got a lifetime to share.” Eloise beamed.
She still did not understand what had happened – where her sister had been and what had happened to her. There was so much to tell, so much to share. But now, Lord Crawford’s voice cut through their happy reunion like a knife through butter.
“I want to know the truth, Snowden,” he growled, as Eloise and Alice turned to find their father cowering before the woman whose striking resemblance to Alice was clear for all to see.
“The truth’s very simple, My Lord. Viscount Snowden and I were lovers. My darling daughter, Alice, was the happy result of that union. But her father wasn’t so happy, and neither was my family. Alice went to live with her father, but when her resemblance to me and not to the Viscount was clear, she was sent away. She lived in an orphanage for many years, and I knew nothing of her whereabouts. Until now, that is.” Silvana crossed her arms, and Eloise stared at her in utter disbelief.
“Is this true, Snowden?” Lord Crawford exclaimed.
The guests were craning their necks as the drama unfolded at the front of the church. The clergyman appeared lost for words, and Eloise’s father was shaking with horror at the extraordinary revelation.
“It’s… oh, yes, it’s true, it’s all true.” The Viscount threw himself to the floor and sobbed.
Lord Crawford let out a cry of rage, and Penelope promptly fainted in Claudia’s arms.
“Scandal! A ruined name! I can’t marry into that,” Lord Crawford cried.
Those words were more than Eloise could have ever hoped for. She let out a cry of delight, clutching at Alice, who smiled at her.
“That’s what we were hoping he’d say,” Alice whispered.
But it was Jackson who now stepped forward, and to Eloise’s surprise, placed his hand on her father’s shoulder. The Viscount looked up, his eyes wide with fear. Jackson offered him his hand.