Page 31 of Unveiled
I shook my head. “I don’t want you to wake anyone up just to make me tea.”
“I didn’t say I would wake anyone up. I said,do you wantmeto make you some tea?”
“Oh.” I snickered. “Well, I don’t want you to hav—”
“I don’thaveto do anything.” He placed a peck on my forehead, then leaned back. “Iwantto.” Standing, he reached his hand down and pulled me up. “Get in bed and I’ll be back as soon as it’s done.”
The water was in a teapot on the stove. I sat at the table in the dark kitchen, waiting for the whistle. The moonlight shone in through the window and illuminated my surroundings, but I had my face submerged in the news on my phone. Since it was so late, I did not expect anyone to be up.
“Shocked you’re awake.” Noah’s voice came from the doorway.
The brightness from the screen caused temporary blindness when I glanced up, squinting.
“I’m making some tea for Isabelle.” I powered off the backlight and laid my phone down on the table. “You might not want to sneak up on me like that anymore. I don’t like being taken by surprise.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but you were so focused, and it was dark.” He pulled a chair back and sat down across from me. “Mr. Greco, can we talk for a moment?” He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest.
Propping my elbows on the table, I locked my fingers together and nodded once. “Ok.”
His chest rose as he inhaled a deep breath. It was clear he did not expect me to agree to let him speak. His eyes danced around in the moonlight's reflection as he weighed his words carefully.
“Do you like to play golf?”
“What?” I cocked an eyebrow. “That’s what you want to chat about?”
He nodded, no sign of happiness on his face. “Yes.”
Folding my arms on the table, I bent forward. “Of course, I like to play golf though I am too busy to play lately. Why are you asking me this?”
“There’s a charity golf tournament coming up in a couple of weeks and I need partners.”
“Oh.” Annoyed, I scoffed. “I don’t like to really involve myself with my staff on a personal level. I know you’re new here, but Joseph is the only person I would ever agree to do that with.”
He chewed the inside of his cheek, nodding and peered out the window.
“Did you even request the time off for this?” I narrowed my gaze at him, sitting back in my chair.
He shook his head. “I was going to speak to Joseph about it this weekend.”
“You look like it’s something that is important to you. Why? What charity is it and does it have any significance to your heart or life? Or are you just one of those guys who does it for show?”
He snapped his head toward me, angrily squinting, but his expression softened. “Something tells me you wouldn’t understand.” He stood and placed two fingers on the table. “Don’t worry, I won’t play in it. My focus is my work.”
My lips slightly parted, ready to speak. I could not tell if he was being an asshole or if something was really upsetting him. Either way, he was irritating me.
“Thatiswhat you want to hear, isn’t it?” He shrugged a shoulder, then pivoted around to leave.
Rage boiled inside me. I was so distracted by the shock he left me in, it took a moment to realize the kettle was whistling on the stove. I hurried over and pulled it off the burner. Dipping the loose-leaf tea strainer in it, I slid it over to the side to steep. I set a timer and marched back over to the table. Yanking my phone up, I texted Noah. Even though I was furious, Isabelle’s words played on repeat in my mind.Be nice.
Noah, would you come back in here?I think we need to talk a bit more.
Moments later, he entered the kitchen.
“Turn on the light.”
He reached for the switch on the wall and flipped it up. As he approached, he knew I was mad. He treaded with caution as he opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind and closed it immediately.
“Noah,” I clenched my jaw, “you cannot speak to me the way you just did.”