Page 80 of Unveiled
I gasped, taking a step back. “I don’t give a flying shit about what you own!”
He snickered. “We own.”
“It’s not funny!”
“No.” He shook his head, trying his best to be serious. “I just rarely hear you use swear words outside of me fucking your brains out.”
Huffing, I stepped back toward him, cupping his jaw as I peered up into his eyes. “I just mean, I care about you. I fell in love with you, not all this.” I threw my arms out to the side. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“I know, I know, bella.” His mouth curled into a slim smile. “I just have to say it.”
“Fine.” I sighed. “I guess I get it.”
My anxiety returned. He reversed several steps, assuring I would be okay before he turned around and disappeared into the bedroom. The truth was, I did understand what he was saying, but I did not like it. It made me think ‘what if’, and right now was not a good time for those thoughts. It would be a distraction. I did not need to focus on that when I was supposed to utilize everything he and my trainer had been teaching me about protecting myself against Felipe; specifically should this moment happen.
I followed him into the bedroom, folding my arms securely into my stomach as I watched him. He was knelt down with his back turned digging through two long, black bags he always kept stored on the plane. Pulling guns and knives out, he inspected each one, though I was not familiar enough to know what he was searching for. After laying the weapons on the floor, he began to load the ammo in the firearms.
A part of me could not help but be distracted by his flexing biceps as he hurried. It would have been a lie if I said the dangerous side of him was not sexy. Yes, I worried about him, but everything about him was mysterious, powerful, and attractive. Every moment I got to admire him, I did.
Boss, he’s here, I repeat he’s here!Noah’s breathless voice came through Valentino’s watch speaker again.
Instantly, I was ripped form my thoughts. Closing my eyes for a moment, I took a deep breath. Noah was right. The time had come soon, way too soon.
“Damnit.” Valentino dug his earpiece from a side pocket on the bag and shoved it in his ear before silencing his wrist. He stood, securing several guns on himself. He glanced up. “Are you ready?”
I nodded.
He marched over with a pistol in his hand. “This is one you’re familiar with—”
“Come in.”
The door opened and Joseph stepped in. “I’m ready to—”
“Absolutely not!” Valentino snapped. “There is no fucking way I’m risking your life in this. You’re not ready.”
“I know.” Joseph sighed, lifting a hand. “But this is my job and—”
“Boss!” Noah sped into the room with Laura closely following. “We’re ready.”
Noah marched over to inspect the weapons. “Tanya and Liam are getting the baby ready. I need Joseph to get the girls off the island.”
“He’s not ready.” Valentino growled.
Noah jerked his head toward Laura. “While we were out, I showed her the escape route to the other island where they’ll be safe until we come for them. I know he’s not ready for combat, but I do believe he can get them to safety. They will have to move quick but quiet.” He marched to the window, peeking out the curtain before spinning back to us. “From what we saw, it looks like Felipe is coming with only two others. I guess he didn’t want to be detected.”
“How do you know how many people he’s with?” Valentino crossed his arms high on his chest.
Laura reached behind her back into a bag as she took a step forward, holding up a black device. “Thermal sensor. Noah found it in the control room.”
“You found the control room?” Valentino arched a brow, shooting Noah a curious glance.
He nodded toward the bathroom. “Yeah, it’s about twenty yards from the house, that way. I had to break in though.”
“Odd.” Valentino brought his hand to his chin and began to stroke his beard.