Page 82 of Unveiled
We all froze. Gasping, I spun around covering my mouth. Joseph grabbed my wrist, tugging me toward the dock.
“Joseph, oh my Go—”
“Miss Ay…Isabelle, we have to get out of here. They’ll be okay.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me further away.
Everything in me wanted to turn back and run toward Valentino. I was praying for his protection in my mind as I let Laura and Joseph lead us toward the boat. It had already been lowered into the water by Noah and Laura earlier and all we had to do was turn on the engine.
“Where are the keys?” Tanya tilted her head by the steering wheel of the speedboat, searching.
“Don’t have them.” Laura waltzed toward the front of the boat, bent over and stood with three oars in her hands. “Noah said we couldn’t risk making any noise, so we have to use these.” She sighed, meeting Joseph’s gaze. “You can’t do it, so can you hold the baby at least?”
Joseph reached out, snatching one of the paddles. “I have my entire life to heal from this. I got it.”
She attempted to take it back but failed. “You’re not getting me yelled at by my brother.”
Tanya stepped over, holding Aston out in his little papoose sling. “It’s okay, Joseph.”
Leaning the oar against the edge of the boat, he traded her. She helped adjust him on the front of Joseph’s chest and gave him his pacifier back. He whimpered a bit, but soon settled down as he nestled his face into Joseph’s chest.
I picked up the paddle, watching Joseph settle into a seat.
“Joseph, I have to g—”
Pursing his lips, she shook his head. “Less talking more rowing. His orders and as head of security, now mine. We need to go,now!”
Laura positioned herself up front. I sat in the middle, and Tanya took the back. Thankfully the ocean was calm. I had no idea where the other island was, but Laura assured us it was not that far, and we would see it shortly.
As we backed out the boathouse and got turned around, there it was. I was not sure if it was the darkness of the night, with only the full moon, or the dark water, but it appeared to be a mile away. I sighed as I rowed in sync with the others. Once we got a good rhythm going, we were off to a smooth ride.
The tide was high. The further out we got, the creepier the ocean became. I tried not to think about how the water was eerie and black. I had enough of an irrational fear about invisible sharks in the swimming pool. It was playing with my psych. My senses were already heightened as the boat rocked back and forth while humps of waves passed under us.
Joseph whispered sweet things to Aston as he rocked him. His face winced a few times, but he did not seem to mind. He watched the main island over Tanya’s head, on guard in case he needed to draw his weapon and fire.
Noah had just come back in from letting the others leave. I hated Isabelle being out of my sight. I also hated that my sister, Tanya, and my godson were out there with Joseph who was wounded, with no strength to protect them should someone go after them. Felipe and his two partners would be arriving any moment. We were ready.
Noah thought it would be best to let them enter the home which seemed silly to me. But it was true, we would have more places to hide so we would be able to act first. The three of us marched around, room to room, turning off every light in the mansion. Silence dominated the interior of the home as we waited for what seemed like an eternity. The full moon outside lit the inside just enough for us to see around.
“What if there are more of them?” William called out in a loud whisper from the other side of the living room.
Gripping the handle of his gun, Noah pointed it at the floor as he paced the room, glancing out the windows from the side, trying to remain undetected. “Laura and I didn’t see any sign of others.”
“What about on the other sides of the island?” I peeked around the corner at the foyer, checking for any sign of the door jiggling or shadows approaching the enormous windows.
“I guess that’s possible, but it seems weird.”
“You know what else seems weird?” William growled.
I pivoted around, sliding my gun in the back of my pants then crossing my arms. “What?”
“Number one, you bought a furnished place, so there could easily be spy type bugs in here. Number two, they should have been here by now.”
I nodded. “I was just thinking that.”
Noah’s silhouette shrugged. “I have a device in my bag for that and walked around the house with it. Shockingly, no bugs of any sort. And I was just thinking it’s been a while since they—”