Page 9 of The Veil
“Paragraph four,” he affirmed, pointing to the small stack of papers in my hand.
My eyes darted to the mentioned paragraph, then my mouth fell open. I dropped the papers to my side and glared at him. His lips pursed attempting to conceal a smirk.
“I have to live with you?” I blurted, throwing my hands out to the side. “Ugh,” I huffed under my breath.
“That's what the contract says, doesn't it?” he countered, nodding his head toward the documents.
Rolling my eyes, I folded my arms across my midsection defensively, the papers dangling from my fingertips, “When does this happen?”
“Darling, the minute you signed it.” Through the dim lighting and the mask, it was hard to tell, but I was sure he winked.
I teared up, overcome with emotion, “I have to go home with you?”
“Yes,” he sighed, “but you will be taking another car.” He pressed a button on his smart watch, speaking into it, “She is ready.”
Pouring himself a drink from a nearby liquor table, he held it up toward me as an evil grin spread across his face.
“Says who?” I challenged him.
“My lawyer.” He took a drink, smiling behind the rim of his glass.
The ride to his house was quiet. Silently, I sat in the back of a Rolls Royce as it left the city, the tall buildings disappearing behind us as we got further away. An exceptionally large man sat in the front passenger seat on his phone the entire time. I did not speak at all. As I peered out the window, a small tear plummeted down my face, dripping off my chin onto my lap.
We were in the car for about an hour and a half before we came to an enormous, black wrought iron gate. The driver pressed a few buttons then scanned a card on a security system. The magnificent gates slowly opened, triggering an exceedingly long path of LED lights to turn on. We slowly traveled down a driveway lined with trees until we came to a clearing.
That is when I saw it; an overpoweringChâteauesque-stylefour-story home. Greyish tan limestone, and asteeply pitched roof, punctuated by many chimneys and covered with dark slate tile, gave the residence a magnificent appeal. Countless windows lined the exterior of the home, undoubtedly providing stunning views in the daytime.
It was the largest building I had ever laid my eyes on in person. Speechless, the mansion intimidated me far more than the ball did.
3 Arrangement
Quietly, I was escorted to my room by the man who sat in the passenger seat of the car. I was in a state of shock, paying no interest to where I was going in the house. I blindly followed behind him, eyes glued to the floor, watching the pattern on the long hallway rugs. My thoughts were racing, but I was unable to articulate a sentence.
We stopped at a set of double doors at the end of a hallway. Stepping to the side of the door frame, I waited for him to make the next move. I was not going to open strange doors in front of me. For all I knew, they could lead to a room of torture, or worse. Just because this was an enormous, elegant mansion did not mean the owner was not a complete psycho. Who buys sex from a strange woman?
Glancing to me expressionlessly, the tall man placed both hands onto the doorknobs and pushed. I was then faced with an exquisite, marginally Gothic style room with an elevated canopy bed. The room was adorned in variations of red and black throughout. Warily, I stalked to the center of the room, slowly rotating as I took each step. Finally, he spoke.
“Miss, your things will be moved over tomorrow,” he informed me with a prominent Italian accent. “For now, you will find all you need in your suite.”
I nodded, wordlessly. Even if I wanted to speak, I did not know what to say. What do you say in a situation such as this?Yippee? Oh my gosh, thank you for this?No. You say nothing and hope it was all a weird dream.
Never had I imagined that I would be bought for my virginity. I felt used and damaged. Soon, I would have nothing special left about me. It would all be taken from me. It was not that I was waiting until marriage, but I at least wanted the choice of when I gave up my innocence to someone.
My weight shifted back and forth nervously as I ran my fingertips slowly up and down my arms. Rotating, I absorbed my surroundings, sadness rising within me. I fought back any tears that tried to escape as my eyes watered. I opened my mouth to speak, but to no avail, I could not. Silently, I stood in the middle of the room, completely numb.
“You are not to leave this room tonight,” he continued with a serious yet approachable tone. “Your bathroom is through those doors and that is your closet over there with clothes that fit you.” He gestured at the various doors in the room, “You will find everything is stocked with new things to your liking, and the garments in the drawers are new but have been washed for you.”
What did he mean,to my liking? This was the first time I had ever been here. How was anything to my liking? Questions rose up within me, but I did not bother to ask. I scuffed toward the closet, running my fingertips over a couch in the center of the room as I passed. Studying my surroundings, I finally gained the courage to speak.
“How is everything already my size?”
Silently, he analyzed me. Turning around, I glared in his direction with folded arms, waiting for his reply. Still, he did not respond, standing like a statue as he glowered at me, mimicking my expression. Rolling my eyes, I faltered over to the windows, peeling back the long, white, sheer curtains, peering outside into the darkness of the estate grounds.
“If you try to escape, you will be severely punished,” he called out. “My boss paid a pretty penny for you.”
The reality resurfaced again that I was a virgin hooker if there were such a thing. Sighing, I leaned my forehead on the glass slowly inhaling, then exhaling.
“There are cameras everywhere in the home and on the grounds outside,” he warned. “There are also alarms everywhere.”