Page 32 of Tryst
Ignoring me, he got out of the car just as a strange man tugged my door open. He reached in, offering me his hand. “Miss.”
“I got it.” Confused, I waved off his effort and stepped out. Pivoting, I peered up at the hotel he’d parked next to. “What the—” My voice trailed off into the night.
Within seconds, Vincenzo was at my side, hand on my lower back. “Come on.” As the valet drove away with the car, he guided me toward a door just to the left of the rotating main entrance. “We have to go in here.” He scanned a card and pushed a tinted entry forward, revealing a narrow hallway.
“What is this?”
“This is how they sneak celebrities and important people in and out.”
“I feel special.” I giggled, temporarily forgetting he’d hurt me only hours earlier.
Taking my hand in his, he led me into an already open elevator. The moment it closed, we seemed to ascend at a rapid speed, though my mind seemed to move in slow motion. Vincenzo stared ahead, motionless, until the doors parted. He took my hand in his, entwining his fingers with mine, guiding me inside a dark space.
“One second.” He withdrew his hand and disappeared.
Suddenly, brightness from neon lights shone through windows as curtains parted. The vivid lighting outside painted him as a mysterious figure against the tinted glass. His silhouette meandered the room, opening each one. Once finished, he sauntered back to me, placing his hands on my hips.
My eyes adjusted to the surroundings as my gaze settled on his. “I’m so hur—”
“Shhh.” He pressed his lips to mine. “I know, and nothing happened with her.” He spoke against my mouth before probing it with his dominating tongue.
Whimpering, I pressed my hands to his chest. He broke our kiss, resting his forehead on mine. I shook my head, still unsatisfied with answers I knew were not my business.
“She works for us and was going undercover for Dimitri and me.” His tone was sincere and soothing. I knew men like him manipulated people for a living, but my heart knew he’d never purposely hurt me. “Lizzie,” he whispered, “everything about this is so fucking wrong.” Placing a finger under my chin, he tilted his head.
“I know.” I gulped.
“But I can’t get you out of my head.” He closed his eyes, pressing his lips to mine once again, leaving a gentle peck on my mouth. “I didn’t expect to give in to you so quickly, or even at all, but now I never want another man touching you.”
“What do you want?”
“You.” He cupped my cheeks in his palms. “I want to be the only man you fuck. I don’t want to fuck any woman but you, and haven’t since you.”
At that very moment, I broke. Frozen in place, I blinked rapidly, processing his words. The very thing I’d dreamed of had come true. The room began to spin.
“Princess, are you okay?”
“I need to lie down.”
Bending forward, he scooped me up in his chiseled arms, supporting me under my knees and neck. With ease, he ambled through the living room as if my body provided no weight to him. He entered a bedroom, lit by only the windows in the other room, setting me on the bed.
Waltzing over to a chair, he took his pinstriped jacket off, neatly draping it over the back. Then he removed his gun and holster, setting them both on the nightstand. He loomed over the bed, tall, slowly unknotting his red satin tie, letting it loosely hang around his neck. “Tonight—”
Unable to predict his next move, I laid back, propping on my elbows. My throat went dry. I swallowed hard, admiring every part of his muscled chest in the reflection of the exterior lights as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“Tomorrow—” Knee pressed between mine, he forced my legs apart. Driving me insane, he took his time crawling over my body, resting his palms on either side of my head. “And every day after that,” his lips gently grazed mine, “you are only mine to fuck.”
“Tell me, you’re mine.”
Elizabeth had done nothing but drive me crazy since I first saw her at the beach that day. I fought it as long as I could, which wasn’t long at all. Prison changed me. Seeing my ex with another man only further proved I deserved better. Someone who focused on me and allowed me to do the same. I’d also been away so long and deprived of the attention of a woman.
She buried her fingernails into my chest, causing me to arch my back, pressing my hardness into her barely clothed mound. “Maybe it’s that you’re mine instead.”
“Fuck.” Rocking back on my knees, I seized her arms. Yanking the tie off my neck, I wound it around her wrists in seconds, restraining her. Seizing it between her hands, I pinned her arms above her head. Narrowing my gaze on hers, I snarled. “Do. Not. Move.”