Page 45 of Tryst
Tugging his chair just a little closer, he stretched his arm around me, heaving me into his side. “Would you like to go for a walk somewhere more private?”
What I wanted was to go back to my friends, but I also didn’t want to brush Mr. Bernardi off. “Yes, please.”
We picked up our coffee and wandered down the sidewalk to a less populated area. He came to a stop, investigating an alley. “I think this is where we can cut through.” Taking my hand in his, he led me down the dark passage.
The aroma of urine and garbage filled my nostrils as we passed by overflowing dumpsters and black garbage bags piled against the walls outside what were probably restaurants. Feeling nauseated, I covered my mouth with the back of my hand, trying not to vomit at the stench.
“Ahhh!” I jumped back. “A rat just ran across my foot!”
He chuckled darkly. “I wouldn’t worry about those, Eliza.”
“It was gross, Nick!”
“Ouch!” Instantly, my face smashed into the side of a brick building. My coffee tumbled out of my hand, splashing everywhere. I spun around, grabbing my cheek and head. “What the fu—”
“Did you think I would actually forgive you for getting me fired, you stupid, little entitled bitch?!” He chucked his own coffee to the side, taking a step closer to me and pinning my back against the wall.
“No!” He gritted his teeth. “You’re going to let me speak and you’re going to shut your fucking rich, whore mouth.”
My eyes pooled with tears. He was no longer the sweet man I’d met in Boston. He was terrifying. I was never one to cower to anyone, but I was stuck in a dark alley with a dead end I could see now.This was a trap!
“I lost my fucking job! When your father came to Boston after it happened, he not only threatened my life at gunpoint, but he pistol-whipped me!” He skewed his head, pointing to a deep scar on his cheekbone. “Do you see this, Eliza?! Do you see what your dad did to my perfect face, hmm?! I barely got away!”
Holy shit! When the hell did my dad do that?!
“I’ll never teach again because of you!” He continued. “But ohhh, you little whore, I replaced you in every single way, and the way she took my dick was way better than you ever could. And guess what? She’s dead now, just like you’re going to be!”
Averting my gaze, I turned my head. The closer he got to me, the more he spat through his words. I wanted to punch him and run.
“She begged for it every night and—HEY! Fucking look at me when I speak to you!” He clasped my jaw, holding it so tight I thought it would break. I needed to scream. Pain radiated through my entire head. His lips grazed mine. “Do you actually think I’m going to let you walk away from here alive?” In one swift motion, he spun me around, shoving me into the wall again.
My face cracked on the brick, causing me to wobble. I tried to run, but he grabbed my wrist, yanking me back. “Oh, we’re not done.”
Three enormous silhouettes appeared just inside the entrance of the alley with weapons at their sides. Mr. Bernardi shoved me into a pile of garbage bags and backed away. My body crumbled as I rolled off them onto the concrete. The men moved so swiftly, I wasn’t sure what was happening. One tackled Mr. Bernardi to the ground while another sat on top of him.
The third was at my side in seconds, his hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Wrapping his arm around me, he helped me to my feet. “I’m gonna get you out of here. Can you walk?”
“Hang on.” He looked at the others and they conversed in Italian a few seconds before he led me toward the busy street. He came to a stop just before we stepped out of the shadows. Removing his jacket, he held it out. “Put this on.”
“O-okay.” I slid into it, hugging it tight against me.
“Keep your head down and stay close to me.”
With an arm around my shoulder, he escorted me back to Abruzzo’s. Several people we passed asked for money, shouting as we hurried by. When we passed the accident, it was still causing quite the commotion. The entire road was blocked. The cab drivers shouted and honked as if police would listen to them.
We arrived at the club. He shielded me as we hurried by the line. The bouncer stopped the next set of guests from entering the already open elevator. The moment we stepped in, and the doors closed, he took a step back. I peered up at him.
“No doubt, you look like shit.”