Page 50 of Tryst
“We use this a lot for small wounds.” I lifted my gaze to hers, smirking. “I’m not exactly a doctor, and I can’t call my family doctor right now.”
“I didn’t say anything. So why did you risk it?”
Confused, I put the cap back on the glue and set it in the first aid kit. Propping my palms on each side of her legs, I cocked my head. “What do you mean?”
She averted her gaze. “You risked your life for mine by looking for him. Clearly, he’s dangerous. I mean, I know you’reyou. But it was still a huge risk.”
“When I got the call, you were hurt. I flipped out. All I wanted was to be there to save you. I was shaking. Lizzie, I’m always going to protect you, no matter what.”
“As my godfather, of course. I know.”
I brought my finger to her chin, forcing her gaze to mine. “As someone who wants to be next to you way more than I should admit.” I pressed my lips to her uninjured cheek. “I’d do anything for you. I need you to know that.”
She sniffled. “I’ve missed you.”
“Princess, I’ve been so confused about why you were mad at me since we were in AC.” Gently placing my mouth on the corner of hers, I offered her a small peck. “I want t—”
Front door opened. The security system announced James arrival.
“We need to go downstairs, but I have a surprise for you.”
Pressing my lips to her head, I smiled against her soft skin. “Trust me. I think you’ll like it.” I picked up the bottle of Advil and opened it. “Here.”
She flipped her palm up.
I dumped four in her hand. “Take these. The cups are there.” I nodded toward a small stack of grey paper cups. “Come downstairs after. I don’t want him to come up here.”
My father was going to lose his mind when he saw me. I took a little extra time getting downstairs. I wiped away as much of the blood and dirt as I could before mustering up a fake smile and rounding the corner into Vincenzo’s office. They were in deep conversation, whispering amongst themselves.
The moment Vincenzo saw me, he grinned. “Hi, how are you feeling, Eliza?” Thegodfather tonehad returned.
My dad instantly whirled around. “Shit, Eliza.” He marched over, ready to hug me.
I lifted my hands. “Dad, I’m fine.”
Carefully swaddling me in his arms, he shook his head. “I should have killed that son of a bitch when I had the chance.”
“Dad,” I snickered, remaining brave as possible, “I’m fine.” I took a step back. Though I was in quite a bit of pain right now, I hated anyone worrying about me.
“I’m sorry this wasn’t handled sooner.” My father ran his fingers through his hair, then perched his hands on his hips. “I feel like I could’ve prevented this.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it isn’t,” my father spat. “Eliza, he could’ve really hurt you. You could’ve disappeared. You could have ended up—” He ran his palm over his mouth, holding his chin. “You need to understand your actions will always have consequences, no matter what they are.”
“You’re going to lecture me after what I went through?”
“Let me finish.” He lifted a finger. “That being said, I don’t care right now about what you did. I just want you kept safe.” He turned to Vincenzo. “I think it’s a good idea.”
Vincenzo silently nodded. “Me too.”
“What’s a good idea?” Cautiously sitting in an over-sized chair, I folded my hands together over my stomach.
They exchanged a glance of approval before Vincenzo leaned on his desk, gripping the edge with his palms. “I know you’ve been adamant about working in your dad’s office lately, but we both agree after tonight you need a break and there’s no telling if your beloved profes—”
Squinting, I shot him a warning glance.