Page 74 of Tide Touched
I mirror his action. ‘Yes, I am.’
‘May I cut in here?’ Elijah steps out of a shadow.
‘No,’ we both snap.
‘Killian, I’m sorry, but I think Katherine should go, but only because she clearly wants to.’ Elijah steps forward, takes my hand, and presses something cold into my palm. ‘But not without something to protect yourself with. Slide it into your sleeve.’
I stare at the short blade and blink at him. ‘I—I don’t know how to use this.’
‘Pointy end goes in the bad guys,’ Elijah deadpans.
‘Right.’ I stuff the blade up my sleeve, which is cold and awkward, but at least I have a weapon now if I need it. ‘Thank you.’ My eyes go to my mate. ‘Killian, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck off. I just… you two didn’t come up with a way. I have one. I win. And it is my choice. I know you want to respect that.’
Killian’s face contorts with conflicting emotions. ‘I can’t support you walking back into danger.’
I shake my head. ‘Carter won’t hurt me.’
‘What about the alpha, or Courtney for that matter, or the guards?’ Killian presses. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t want to be a jerk here, but I’m trying to protect you.’
‘I know.’ I reach out and take his hand. ‘But that doesn’t matter now. I’m going, whether you like it or not.’
Killian pulls me into a hug. ‘You’re very stubborn, aren’t you?’
‘Just noticing?’
‘No,’ Killian says with a sad chuckle. ‘No, I’m not.’ He presses a sweet, gentle kiss to the crown of my head. ‘You don’t flinch anymore,’ he says.
I look up into his warm eyes. ‘I trust you. And I need you to trust me.’
Killian winces, a sound of pain I’ve never heard from him, and finally releases me. He nods, and off I go.
I navigate mostly by smell, shifting into wolf form and back again. I find a way to tie my meagre belongings, and the dagger, to my bag as I shift, then shift back so I can hold onto them.
It takes most of the day before I recognise the way from memory. It’s been a day and a half since they took my sister, and when I get her back, I’m going to make Water Pack pay for their treachery.
I crest the slight hill that leads to the estate a little before sunset. There are more guards on the doors than I expected. I shift into human form, sliding the blade up my sleeve. I walk right up to the doors, my hand on my chest, frantic. ‘Please, let me in. I’m Katherine, Carter’s mate. I need him.’
The guards look me over. One of them quickly grabs my upper arm, squeezing tight enough for me to wince. ‘I remember you. You escaped.’
I gasp at the pain, trying to shake him off. ‘N—no, that was a mistake. I was abducted by my Fire Pack. I didn’t have a choice. Please let me see Carter. Please?’
The guards exchange glances then shrug. They push the double doors open and shove me inside, handing me over to the next set of guards, apparently. This time, I don’t need to explain. One of the guards, all in their shiny suits, yanks me forward.
‘I did not miss you,’ he snarls into my ear. I realise this is the one I headbutted in the face.
I bite down my Sassy Katie response. Instead, I blink up at him innocently. ‘Please. I just want to see Carter. I need my mate.’
Before I know it, I’m being pushed down onto my knees in the middle of the foyer before that big chair. At the Water alpha’s feet. The polished hardwood floors sting my palms, but I’m relieved the blade stays where it’s hidden.
‘Kaitlain, what brings you here?’ Julian snarls.
I snap my head up. ‘It’s Katherine.’ I have to bite my tongue to keep from running my mouth off at him. Seriously? ‘I want my mate. I want Carter. I’m meant to be with him—’
‘We caught your friend,’ he says, cutting me off. ‘Perhaps you’re here to liberate her.’
I ignore the splintering pain in my chest. ‘I just want Carter.’ I crane my head up to see him just as something makes contact with my nose. I cry out as blood splashes out and my nose breaks with a sickening crunch.
The alpha glowers. ‘You’ve caused my pack enough trouble.’