Page 10 of Fire Touched
Killian sets his hands on my shoulders. I reach out and take Ella’s hand, and she takes Carter’s.
Prescott’s brows raise. ‘I see.’ He motions to the guards at his back. ‘Make them comfortable while I consult with Verron.’ He leans down and hugs his son again. ‘I’ll do what I can for your friends.’ He smiles at Moira. ‘I didn’t expect a Fire Pack, but I’m glad my son’s mate is so… loyal.’ With that, he turns and marches back up the stairs, two guards at his back, three of them leading us away.
I squeeze Moira’s hand as the rest of our chain falls away. ‘You didn’t have to do that,’ I murmur.
She just rolls her eyes and squeezes back.
‘Are you really surprised?’ Killian whispers in my ear. ‘She left Cinder to go and get you before I did.’
I turn my nose up at him. ‘Hm. I guess I know who loves me, then.’
Killian’s eyes darken. ‘Don’t test me, woman.’ He plants a hard kiss on the top of my head that makes my toes curl.
I glance back at Ella and Carter, who have paused, lagging behind. ‘Guys, come on.’ I get a glimpse of Carter’s face: pale and worried.
‘I shouldn’t be here,’ Carter says quietly. ‘I don’t… I shouldn’t have brought this to these people.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. We want you here with us,’ I tell him firmly.
‘Not all of us,’ Killian murmurs.
I shoot him a warning look. ‘You’re with us. You can’t chicken out now.’ I let the jab settle over him, and he finally nods. Sometimes, being nice to Carter doesn’t get me what I want. Teasing or jabbing usually does. He doesn’t want to be coddled. I get that.
The six of us follow Terran’s guards to a courtyard and a high-ceilinged building.
‘It’s kind of a waiting area,’ Elijah says, nodding his thanks to the guards. ‘They won’t say so, but we’re not supposed to leave here until we’ve been told.’
‘So, your dad seemed to like me okay,’ Moira says, snuggling up to Elijah.
‘He’d be mad not to.’
I make a face and turn away as they start making out. Turning into Killian’s chest, he speaks so quietly, I could have imagined it. ‘Sorry.’ His breath stirs my hair as I look up at him. ‘For my comment earlier.’
I snuggle into his chest, grateful.
We make ourselves comfortable at the guesthouse. Ella goes inside and works her magic in the kitchen. A short while later, she brings out a tray of food, all of us basking in the last rays of sunlight, laid back on soft, comfortable daybeds.
Carter is curled up with a book he seems to have found. Despite the last bright, warm rays of light, surrounded by butterflies and soft grass, he looks like a storm cloud. Sympathy and pity rise in me.
I’m on a daybed, laying back against Killian’s chest, when Ella comes over with the food. ‘Do you really think they’ll let Carter and I stay?’
‘Hell, yes,’ I say immediately. ‘We all stay. Together.’ There’s no way I’m letting either of them be kicked out. Not after everything they’ve been through. Not after how they’ve protected me. They have nowhere else to go.
Ella’s soft face lights up. ‘Thanks, Katie.’
Chapter Five
If it wouldn’t ruffle any fur, I would very much like to go and investigate this glowy barrier. Sure, it wasn’t the bright, ominous wall of death I thought it might be. But, how does it work? What powers it? How does it—or whomever controls it—differentiate whom to let in, and whom to keep out? And does it become a wall of death if you’re not permitted entry?
In the spirit of embracing Terran and all its earthiness, I’ve kept my shoes off, happy to feel the silky grass on my feet. ‘Katie,’ Killian calls. ‘Don’t wander too far. We’re supposed to stay here.’
I pout at him from my perch. I’ve climbed a little back wall of the property we’re on, which gives me a good view of the grounds and Glowy Death Wall. I stare down at him. It’s rare for me to be above him, so I drop a mischievous wink.
‘Please be careful,’ Killian adds with a grumble. ‘What are you looking at?’
I jerk my head. ‘Glowy Death Wall. How does it work?’ My gaze passes over Ella and Carter. ‘It shouldn’t have let us in. We’re not even allies with Earth Pack.’