Page 43 of Fire Touched
‘—don’t care, Ivy, you should go to your room.’
‘But, Dad, she’ll be here. The hybrid woman. I want to talk to her—’
‘I said no. It’s too dangerous. I want to welcome these people, but they brought us to the knife’s edge of a battle today. One we might have lost. I will not summon the guard again. The majority of our people still live in distress, that’s why this hall has sat empty for the last two decades. You are special, my girl. Too special to let the others see you. Please, Ivy, go to your room.’
I realise I’ve frozen, a set of cutlery poised in my hands. I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but what are they talking about? I glance around the huge hall. Two decades. What does Verron mean, and why is he hiding this daughter of his? It takes all my self-control not to turn and get a look at her. Why would she be so curious to meet Katherine? And where is Ivy’s mother? Who is Ivy’s mother?
I slowly set the cutlery down so my snooping isn’t so obvious. That’s when Prescott’s eyes meet mine, hard with disapproval. I snap my gaze away, and walk further down the table, away from Verron and his daughter.
After the hall is set up, I sit back and take a moment to smile. It really does look magnificent. I was only one of about fifty people who put it together, but a little spark of pride makes me smile.
‘You did good. Thanks for the help.’ Prescott leans against the wall beside me. ‘Why don’t you go get cleaned up and bring your mate and your friends back?’
‘Can I ask you something?’ The words blurt out of me before I can stop them. I don’t have anyone to ask for help or advice.
Prescott has a casual air about him, like his son, that makes him feel approachable. ‘Yeah, sure.’
‘I—I messed up, and I’m not sure… how to make it right.’ Just the admission sends my insides into knots.
‘Hmm. The mistake you mentioned. Do you want to tell me what it was?’
I glance up at him. The last thing I want to do is ruin someone else’s opinion of me, but he’s likely to find out sooner or later anyway. Shot in the dark. ‘Courtney approached me. She gave me something to break the bond Carter and Katherine share. I dosed him with it.’
Prescott’s folded arms loosen. He blanches, eyes widening. ‘O—oh.’ He takes a moment before responding further. I wonder if he’ll kick me out. Instead, he looks at me, hard. ‘I can see you regret doing that.’ His shoulder nudges mine. ‘What made you dose him with such a thing?’
I lower my gaze, unable to look at him. Well, he hasn’t kicked me out or shouted at me yet, so that’s a good sign. ‘I was… he and Katherine thought they were mates. She went to live with him. It wasn’t really her choice, but I know they slept together and… they’re close. I guess I was…’
‘I was going to say “insecure”.’ I shoot him a look. ‘But yes.’
‘Hmm.’ Prescott folds his large arms over his chest again, but somehow it doesn’t make him look angry, just thoughtful. ‘Then this ‘solution’ fell in your lap. I can see how tempting that must’ve been.’ He nudges me again. ‘You know that was wrong, don’t you?’
I shrink a little. ‘Yeah, I do.’
Prescott nods. ‘Good. Then you won’t make that mistake again.’ He offers a little smile. ‘Do what you can to make it right, Killian. Don’t dwell on the past. Learn from it.’ A smirk plays over his lips. He nods at the hall. ‘Is that where this came from? A guilty conscience?’
‘Maybe.’ I cut a nervous glance at him. ‘It was clear the others didn’t want me around.’
‘Hmm. Well, I was glad to have you. Usually Elijah would have helped out, but I know he’s spending time with his mate. I didn’t want to interrupt.’
I stare at him then hitch myself off the wall. A disbelieving chuckle escapes my mouth. ‘You’re a good father.’
Prescott blinks but looks pleased. ‘Well, thank you.’ Pause. ‘Would you have talked to your father about this, if you could?’
I run a hand through my hair. ‘I’ve tried. I’ve sent him three messages. No response.’ I meet his gaze. ‘But no. My father… I don’t think he would understand. He’s not exactly… easy to talk to.’
Prescott’s brows pinch in sympathy. ‘I’m sorry to hear that, Killian.’ He hitches himself off the wall, too, and pats my shoulder. ‘You can come to me. I should help them finish off. Remind Elijah to wear a tie, please. Actually, if all you boys would, I’d appreciate it. It’s been a good, long while since we had a meal in this hall. I’d like everything to go smoothly.’
‘Um.’ I reach for him before he can leave. ‘I don’t know how to… tie a tie.’
‘Your father didn’t teach you that? Don’t worry. Elijah will.’ Prescott pauses. ‘By the way. Don’t think I didn’t notice the burns on my son. I know that was you.’
I cringe. ‘I’m sorry—’
‘No, I know you are. Just, please be careful, okay?’