Page 14 of The Whole Package
“Greg!” I shout, garnering the attention of several coworkers. Greg looks at me from where he’s standing with an iPad in hand, he waves me over and I make my way to him after storing my cart.
“I need to take a long lunch.”
Greg looks at me then, concern in his expression. “Everything okay?”
“Uh.” Shit, why didn’t I think of something? “Oh, uh, yeah, just have to get a tooth… pull— filled. Yeah, I completely spaced my dentist appointment and this cavity is killing me.”
For a moment, Greg looks uncertain and then he says, “Well, you should brush better. Be back by one if you can.”
“Got it.”
Greg waves me off and I run to my bag, grabbing it and slinging it over my shoulder before sending a text.
Having my lunch now,I type, then tap the sides while thinking.Can you meet up?
It’s only after I hit send that I realize she doesn’t know who this is, though, how often do random texts come through to her phone like that?
Probably as often as she gets admirers’ notes…
No, I still hadn’t told her. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for other than some sort of clarity on how to do that exactly. I wanted to every time I saw her. Wanted to be clear and upfront about it so that it wouldn’t hurt her in the long run.
I would tell her soon though, there was no way I could keep that from her for much longer.
Meet out front in five.
I smile at the message and make my way out of the room.
“Wow,” I murmur, sliding along the nice leather seats of the town car. “The lady likes to ride in style, huh?”
Jane rolls her eyes playfully and sets the phone she was typing on in her bag. Something I love about her is the undivided attention. If someone was talking to her, no matter what she was doing, she set her phone, pen, whatever she was holding, down and talked to you. “It comes with the perk of Paulie.”
“Perk of Paulie? Is that slang for something?”
Jane laughs and reaches forward, pressing a button that lowers the partition between the back seat and the driver. “Warren,” Jane says, shooting a smile to the driver. “Meet Paul a.k.a. Paulie. Paul, meet Warren.”
“Pleasure, sir,” I tell the man who gives us a broad smile.
“Pleasure’s all mine, Warren. Nice to see someone back there who actually looks me in the eye.”
Jane shakes her head with a smile on her face and sits back in her seat. “Paulie has been with me for about five years now and is the best driver Denver has to offer.”
Paul laughs. “She flatters me. Truly she only hires me because her mother would be appalled if she walked everywhere. “
“Really?” I lift a brow at her. “You’re not allowed to walk?”
She huffs and a piece of her hair flies in front of her face. It’s in disarray for two point three seconds before she tucks it back neatly behind her ear. “I’m not allowed to do many things.”
The disgruntled tone has me chuckling and I say, “How old are you again?” Before I can think better of it.
“Don’t you know it’s—”
“Rude to ask a woman about her age.” Paul and I finish the thought in unison, giving each other knowing smirks. I might just like this Paul guy.
“Yes,” Jane replies slowly. “If you know that, why are you asking?”
I sigh and say, “I just mean, don’t you have things you like to do… you know, without telling your mother about them?”
“My mother knows everything,” she replies quickly. “Well, not about the notes or my time spent with you, I try not to bring those things up.”