Page 72 of The Whole Package
“Now.” Frederick rubs his hands together. “Let’s talk time line. I wanna be able to move into this house as soon as possible. Spring would be best.”
Dad sighs and leans back. “Well, that would be tight, to be sure. I’d have to get more people on other projects for me.”
“Henry, I’m a smart guy. I know that money talks.” He leans on the table. “What’s it gonna take?”
“Well, I won’t lie and say that money isn’t an issue. This house will definitely cost you, as you know. But there may be another thing as well, that you could consider.”
Frederick frowns and says, “Okay…”
Dad nods at me and Frederick sits back in his chair, looking between the two of us.
I reach down and into my bag, pulling out the portfolio and set it in front of Frederick. “Listen,” I talk before he says anything. “I’m not asking for a guarantee here, but when my dad said he had a meeting with you, I had to shoot my shot. All I ask is that you look.”
Frederick nods tentatively and starts to thumb through my art. As he does, the waitress brings out our food and Frederick slides the portfolio closer to him, not taking his eyes off of my work. He turns the book here and there, looking at different angles, a deep frown on his face. Hopefully just concentration and not pissed off that we ambushed him here.
My gut churns uncomfortably and I can’t even think about eating the burger I ordered that sits in front of me.
Finally, after agonizingly long minutes, Frederick sighs and says, “I’m not gonna lie, this is not what I was expecting.”
My hope starts to fall, all that hard work, all of Dad’s encouragement, and now I was going to get fucking rejected in front of him, not to mention that I was going to have to work in construction if this failed.
Shit. I should just grab the hard hat now. Why did I agree to this again?
“But fuck.” He gestures back to the book and laughs. “This is amazing.”
My brow shoots up and I open my mouth to say… something. “Thank you,” is the only thing that manages to come out.
“You’re welcome, but I think I’m going to be the one thanking you.”
“What do you mean?” I ask warily.
“I mean, I can’t not have this stuff in my gallery,” He waves a hand. “Not all of it, of course.” Frederick shakes his head from side to side and lets out a surprised laugh. “Hell, man, we need to get something together for sure.”
“Are you… are you serious?” I ask, the disbelief clear in my voice. “You want to display my work?”
“Definitely.” He nods. “We can start in the Denver gallery, put on a little show and then see how it goes from there.”
“I…” I start but the words are just not there. I’m overwhelmed.
My dad laughs. “I think my son is at a loss for words.”
“That’s alright,” Frederick says and grabs his plate. “Let’s eat, then we can make a plan.”
Chapter Forty-Two
“Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.”
-Emily Dickinson
“Jane!” I march into the apartment late that night, excitement pouring off of me in waves. I talked to her briefly on the phone, but I told her I would tell her everything when I got home.
Which… I guess is here now. Neither of us has talked about moving in together but we tend to spend every night together whether here or at my place, and just… don’t worry about it much.
“War?” Her nickname for me spurs me toward the noise and I find her curled up on the couch, book in hand. I smile at her, of course she has a book in her hand. When does she not?
“Baby.” I move toward her and plop onto the couch next to her, pulling her into my arms and onto my lap. Wasting no time, I take her face in my hands and start peppering kisses all over her face. She giggles against me, drops her book lightly on the couch, and lets me kiss her to my heart’s content.