Page 13 of Finding his Goddess
“Yes, it does. Good job,” Lucy nodded, though why she should praise him for something that was clearly out of his control, she had no idea. For a long moment she just stood there looking at him, meeting that golden gaze of his unflinchingly as they stared into each other’s eyes, both seemingly helpless to look away.
“Very good,” Commander Rarev sounded pleased. “You’ve both passed the test admirably well.”
“Er…thank you.” Finally Lucy dragged her eyes away from T’zaren’s. Taking the piece ofdimrielfrom his hand, she put it back on the desktop and sat back down. “So I’m guessing you needbothof us to go to this stronghold place?” she asked.
“The stronghold of Twa’linda on B’ron Three. Yes.” Rarev nodded.
“I still say it’s not safe for Dr. Lucille to go,” T’zaren growled.
“That’s kind of sexist of you, don’t you think?” Lucy remarked, raising an eyebrow at him.
He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling.
“I’m only stating the truth. As I said before, Twa’linda of the Two Faces is a Twainer.”
“Okay, so what’s a ‘Twainer’?” Lucy asked, frowning.
“A being with two faces,” Rarev supplied. “Or rather, two beings in one.”
“One light, one dark,” T’zaren growled. “One angelically good and the other pure, sadistic evil. The relative safety of your stay there depends upon which one of them is dominant at the time you visit.”
“Wow…” Lucy shook her head. “That’s…alot,” she said at last. “I don’t know what to say.”
“I know it sounds frightening, but there is truly no cause for concern.” Commander Rarev leaned forward on his desk, speaking earnestly. “For the past fifteen cycles, Twa’linda’s Light Face has been dominant. There is no reason to believe that will change in the time that you’re there. However, just in case it does, I will be sending T’zaren to protect you and to act as your manservant.”
“Um…mywhat?”Lucy asked.
“Whether the light or the Dark Face is in charge, the fact remains that Twa’linda of the two faces is aDom’mesque,” Rarev explained. “Which means she will expect any female guest she welcomes to be one as well.”
“Be one what? WhatisaDom’mesque?”Lucy asked blankly. The word sounded French, but she doubted it actually was.
“In Twa’linda’s culture, females are the dominant sex,” Rarev told her. “She would not respect or deal with a male who came to visit her, which is why I do not go myself. But shewillconsent to receive a female woman of business—one she perceives to be aDom’mesquelike herself. And a properDom’mesquewill always have a manservant with her to guard and protect her.”
“So… you want me to pretend to be a businesswoman who wants to buydimriel?”Lucy asked, raising her eyebrows. “And T’zaren is going to come along as a kind of bodyguard?”
“The part ismorethan that of a bodyguard as I believe the Chief Commander knows,” T’zaren growled, scowling.
“I don’t understand…” Lucy felt like she was missing something. “What else is there to it?”
Neither Monstrum answered. They had locked eyes and T’zaren was glaring at Rarev, who was looking coolly back. It seemed to be some kind of contest of wills.
“She will never be myS’rentha,” T’zaren said, his voice low and rough. “She is not right for the role.”
Lucy frowned. Well, that was kind of insulting!
“You have saved Dr. Heartwood’s life—there is a bond between you,” Rarev answered, still staring at T’zaren. “In addition, both of you show an affinity for thedimriel.I believe this mission is your fate, T’zaren, or I would not have called you to it. The Goddess herself is looking down on your endeavors. And Dr. Heartwood does not truly need to become yourS’rentha—you only have totreather as if she is.”
“She is not right for it,” T’zaren said again in a low growl.
Lucy put a hand on her hip and glared at him.
“Okay, I might not be your ‘type,’ but that’s no reason to get upset. After all, we’re just going to be playing parts. I’m the bossy businesswoman, and you’re my bodyguard. I don’t understand what the big deal is!”
T’zaren stared at her, still scowling. He shook his head.
“You don’t understand now—but you will.”
For a moment their eyes locked again and Lucy found herself lost in those golden depths. People said her own hazel eyes were the color of honey, but the big Monstrum’s eyes were literally like pools of molten gold—they had a metallic sheen that no human eyes could ever have.