Page 15 of Finding his Goddess
“Nevertheless, it’s the way the Stri’vor Monstrum view their females. But you need to remember something, Lucy—when a Stri’vor male kneels before you in acknowledgement that you are hisS’rentha,it isn’t like a puppy rolling over to have his belly scratched. It’s more like a dangerous beast—like a lion or a tiger—allowing himself to be stroked without biting your hand off.”
“What?”Lucy exclaimed. “Are you saying he’dhurtme?”
“No, no—of course not! He’s a Kindred—we never hurt females,” Dra’vik said, frowning. “I’m just letting you know that Stri’vor males have a dangerous side. They can be pushed too far in some circumstances. I’m only saying you should be careful and don’t take T’zaren’s submission lightly if he offers it to you, even if the two of you are just acting.”
“Um, okay then,” Lucy said, frowning as she mentally filed this information away to consider later.
“So…he has to submit to her because she’s pretending to be hisS’rentha?”Iyanna asked, frowning. “Do you mean he has to bow to her or what?”
“Bowing to and serving hisS’renthawould be the very least that would be expected by aDom’mesquelike Twa’linda of the Two faces,” Dra’vik rumbled. “And if Lucy is also going to present herself as aDom’mesque, she needs to play the part convincingly.”
“Well, I’ll certainly do my best,” Lucy said, frowning. “Though T’zaren doesn’t seem to think I can pull it off. It really wasrudeof him to say I wasn’t his type right in front of Commander Rarev.”
“He said you weren’t his type?” Iyanna demanded, putting a hand on her hip. “Thatisrude!”
“Well, actually he said I was the wrong type to be aS’rentha,” Lucy said. “But it’s the same thing, right?”
“Notexactly,” Dra’vik said again. “If I remember correctly, most of theS’renthasI met before we came to this universe were stern females—cold as marble statues.”
“Well, that definitely isn’t me!” Lucy laughed.
“No, it’s not!” Iyanna agreed, grinning. “Maybe you’re just not serious enough for him.”
“Well, that’s just too bad,” Lucy remarked. “I mean, I’ll be serious and professional when I’m making the deal for thedimriel,but I refuse to go around with a stick up my ass the rest of the time just to please Mr. Grumpy-pants.”
“What? Why would you put a stick up your ass?” Dra’vik gave her a confused expression. “Pleasetell me that’s just an Earth saying and not a real thing your people do,” he said to Iyanna, who burst out laughing.
“It’s just a saying, honey—it means acting all stiff and never having any fun,” she told him.
“Oh, good.” Dra’vik looked relieved. “For a minute, I thought there was a whole new Earth kink we might have to explore together.”
“Nothank you,”Iyanna said firmly, still grinning.
“I second that!” Lucy added, laughing. She sighed. “I just wish T’zaren was a little less stiff and formal and growly. Right now he doesn’t seem like he’s going to be much fun to be around.”
“Well, you are going on a very serious mission together,” Iyanna pointed out.
“I know—but it’s going to be my first time visiting a different planet. I’mexcited,” Lucy said. “You know how I get!”
Iyanna nodded.
“Oh,Iknow, believe me. I’d want to go with you myself if it wasn’t for this little guy.” She stroked her rounded belly. “Can’t fold space when you’re pregnant—it’s not safe for the baby.”
“I understand. Don’t worry about me—I’ll be fine,” Lucy said firmly.
She tucked the black blazer that matched her skirt under her arm and lifted her suitcase. It was lucky that she hadn’t unpacked yet, she thought—seeing as how this mission might be an overnight stay.
She knew that Commander Rarev had told her not to worry about clothing, but she couldn’t help it—shealwaysworried about what to wear. It was just part of her personality. She might be a curvy girl, but she still liked to look fashionable and sexy—in fact, she often dressed to emphasize her curves and if people didn’t like it, well, that was just too bad. What was important to Lucy was that she was feeling sexy and confident—she didn’t care what anyone else thought.
“All right—Dra’vik and I can walk you to the Docking Bay,” Iyanna offered.
“No you don’t—you walked me all around the ship yesterday and I saw how tired it made you,” Lucy said. “I’ll be fine—I know the way. And I’ll be back in a few days—hopefully we’ll still have plenty of time to spend together before I have to go back home and help Aunt Delilah decorate her shop for Halloween.”
She gave her friend a final hug and headed out the door.
“Be careful!” Iyanna called to her.
“And remember what I told you about Stri’vor males,” Dra’vik added. “If I were you, I wouldn’t push T’zaren too far.”