Page 17 of Finding his Goddess
“Dr. Lucille,” he began, looking into her warm, honey-colored eyes. “On this mission, I will be your protector and your guard. I will shield your body with mine, and guard your life even at the cost of my own. Because you will be acting as myS’renthaduring our time together, I will…”
He paused for a moment and then went on, unable to hold back the words.
“I will submit myself to you body, soul, and mind. From now until we complete our mission,I am yoursand you may do with me as you please. I wish only to protect and pleasure you, myS’ren—my Lady. I…I…mean…” he stumbled for a moment. Had he nearly called her hisS’rentha? Damn it, he almost had! He tried to reign himself in as he forced himself to continue.
“No harm shall befall you that does not pass through me first…not a drop of your blood shall be shed unless all of mine has first been spilled…As the Goddess is my witness, I vow on my honor as a Monstrum warrior to bring you safely home,” he finished at last, his heart pounding.
Gods, what waswrongwith him?
“Oh…” Dr. Lucille’s honey-colored eyes had gone wide as he spoke. “That’s…your oath wasbeautiful, T’zaren,” she said at last. “I, er, never expected anything like it!”
T’zaren hadn’t either. Because the emotions the words evoked in him as he spoke them were nearlyoverwhelming. A part of him wanted to think that the little blonde actuallywashis S’rentha. He was already kneeling at her feet—it would be so easy to pull her closer, lift her skirt and worship her as he would if their relationship was, in fact, real. His Sen Stripe was flaring with painful pleasure and his whole body was crying out to do exactly that.
But he couldn’t, he reminded himself. This wasn’t real—none of it was. Dr. Lucille wasnothisS’renthaand if he let her know his true desires to worship her, she would probably find him repulsive, like Ashley had.
That realization made him feel frustrated and surly.
She’s not for me and she never will be,he reminded himself.It doesn’t matter that my Sen Stripe thinks she is my S’rentha—she’s not.
“Thank you for your beautiful words,” Dr. Lucille said again, since he hadn’t answered her.
He dropped her hands and rose abruptly to his feet to tower over her.
“Don’t get too used to it,” he growled. “This mission shouldn’t take more than a day—a day and a night at most. And once we come back to the Mother Ship, we never have to see each other again.”
Her eyes, which had been soft with surprise and pleasure, went suddenly wide with hurt.
“I…I don’t…I never said—” she began, but T’zaren didn’t let her finish. He was angry with himself for letting his emotions get out of control—angry that his body wouldn’t stop reacting to hers.
“Come on,” he said, taking her luggage from Commander Rarev. “Let’s get this over with.”
Without waiting for her answer, he turned and stalked over to the ship. He would play his part—the part of a male slavishly devoted to his personal goddess—once they got to the stronghold on B’ron Three. But until then, he wanted nothing further to do with the tempting, irritating little female.
Lucy stared at the big Monstrum’s broad back as he stalked angrily over to the sleek, gold ship they would be using.
“Well what crawled up his ass and died?” she muttered, frowning.
“Excuse me?” Commander Rarev asked politely.
“Uh, nothing.” Lucy shook her head. “It’s just…his oath was so beautiful and then he got so surly all of a sudden. I don’t understand his problem.”
“I do not believe that T’zaren understands his problem, either,” the Monstrum Commander said gently. “But Idobelieve he will protect you with his life. You can trust his oath, Dr. Heartwood—I wouldn’t be sending him with you if I didn’t think so.”
“All right.” Lucy sighed. “Well, I’d better get going.”
“You have your line of credit all ready to go?” Rarev raised one furry eyebrow.
“Right here.” Lucy tapped the small credit device—which looked a little like a Smart watch—strapped to her left wrist. It was activated by her right thumbprint and could transfer large sums of credit—the monetary unit of choice in most intergalactic societies—wherever she chose. Chief Commander Rarev had given her an almost unlimited amount to be certain that Twa’linda of the Two Faces wouldn’t hesitate to sell them thedimriel.
“Very good.” The Monstrum Commander nodded. “Thank you again for doing this for us, Dr. Heartwood. The Mother Ship will be forever grateful.”
“I won’t let you down,” Lucy promised him gravely. “I’ll bring back adimrielcrystal for you if it’s the last thing I do.”
“Remember, it doesn’t have to be large—even a small piece will be enough as long as it is unpolluted by the heart-rot,” Rarev said. “Once we transplant it, the crystal will grow rapidly to fill the Mother Ship’s heart space.”