Page 20 of Finding his Goddess

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Page 20 of Finding his Goddess

It was the only way for both of them to stay safe.



Folding space was nothing like Lucy had imagined it to be. It took both no time at all, and all the time in existence. One moment they were in the orbit of Mars and the next moment they were emerging into another place entirely, on the other side of the known universe. But that moment of crossing over and passing through the crimson fold seemed to stretch like taffy, pulling into a long, thin thread that extended out of sight in both directions.

By the time they came out into the space around B’ron Three—which was a dark blue world, dotted with dense areas of deep purple—she had almost forgotten about T’zaren’s insulting remark about how he knew she wasn’t pregnant. It was time to put everything else aside anyway, she told herself. The mission was starting now and she had to be on her best, most professional behavior.

“Whew…” she murmured, shaking her head as she looked out the viewscreen. “So that’s B’ron Three.”

“It is indeed.” T’zaren’s deep voice was flat and he looked straight ahead as he spoke.

Lucy took a deep breath and blew it out impatiently.

“Look, I know you didn’t want to come on this mission with me, but we’re here now, so what do you say we try to get along?”

“What do you mean?” T’zaren raised his eyebrows, looking at her in apparent confusion. “We’re getting along fine. Haven’t I pledged to protect and defend you? Haven’t I given you power over my body, to do with as you please?” he demanded.

“Yes, well…” Lucy was at a loss for a moment, taking in that part about her having “power over his body.” It was, after all, such a very large, muscular body to command. She could certainly think of some things she’d like to do with it—withhim—if only he wasn’t so taciturn and cold.

“Look,” she tried again. “I know you gave me your oath and it wasbeautiful. But then you turned all grumpy and upset again afterwards. I know you don’t like to pretend I’m your wife, but—”

“Not ‘wife’—S’rentha,”T’zaren corrected her. “AS’renthais more than just a common ‘mate’ or ‘wife.’ For the male she chooses, she is his personal goddess to worship and protect, to defend and pleasure.”

“Okay, well…that sounds like a veryintenserelationship,” Lucy admitted. It was certainly more intense than her relationship with Mike, which had mostly consisted of watching Netflix on the couch and making love once a week in sessions that lasted five minutes or less.

“It is a Joining of two souls,” T’zaren said in a low voice. “A human like you wouldn’t understand how deep it goes—how far a Stri’vor male is willing to go, what he is willing to do—for hisS’rentha.”

“Okay, well I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it,” Lucy said. “The point is, I know you don’t like it but this is the mission—it’s ourjob. And if we’re going to do it right, we need to work together.”

T’zaren gave a reluctant nod.

“All right, agreed,” he said.

“Good.” Lucy held out a hand to him. “So then, can we please be friends?”

He looked at her outstretched hand warily, as though it was a snake that might bite him.

“Why do you wish to be ‘friends?’ I don’t think it’s necessary for the completion of our mission.”

Lucy held out her hand even more insistently.

“All right, well can we atleastagree to end the animosity? I think it would really lighten the atmosphere in here if I didn’t feel like you were sitting over there resenting me for playing a part you don’t think I’m qualified to play.”

“But you’renotqualified to play it,” T’zaren growled.

Lucy almost felt like growling herself with sheer irritation. Men! It didn’t seem to matter if they were human or alien, they were all equally maddening at times!

“Okay, that’syouropinion and you’ve made it abundantly clear,” she said, striving to keep her voice calm and even. “But can we atleastagree to work together and play our parts to the best of our abilitywithoutbiting each other’s heads off?”

T’zaren drew himself up stiffly.

“I am a Stri’vor Monstrum—nota Fur’thian Brain Eater,” he growled.

“I didn’t mean thatliterally!”Lucy exclaimed. She frowned. “And are you telling me there’s a species in the universe where theyeateach other’sbrains?”

“The female Fur’thian cracks open her mate’s skull and consumes his brains at the culmination of mating,” T’zaren explained. “It’snota very enviable fate.” He looked curiously at Lucy’s outstretched hand. “Why are you reaching for me like that?”

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