Page 35 of Finding his Goddess

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Page 35 of Finding his Goddess

“You’re worried about your Lady showing her breasts?” he demanded. “You needn’t be! Lady Twa’linda is always pulling down her top to feed her favorites nectar.”

“Aye—her nectar is the sweetest,” the second guard said. He sighed longingly. “I can’t wait until she favors me to suck her sweet nips again.”

“Or to taste her pussy,” the first guard murmured. “Her honey flows so freely and she’s always so generous with it.”

“It doesn’t matter what your own Lady does or doesn’t do,” T’zaren growled. “MyLady does not show her breasts to strangers!”

“Er, thank you, T’zaren,” Lucy murmured. The feeling of his warm arm across her bare breasts made her tingle, though she tried not to show it. Shereallyhad to get over this attraction she was feeling towards the big, stern Monstrum. He had made it clear over and over again that they were just working together and he wanted nothing to do with her romantically.

But what about the way he sucked your nipples—twice?a little voice in her head demanded.

Lucy brushed it aside. The first time he had been just playing the part of the dutiful manservant. The second time, he’d been out of his head with Rage. Neither of those counted…did they?

“Very well—we’ll look away,” the first guard said, breaking her train of thought. The two of them turned their backs and T’zaren climbed out of the cart and offered Lucy a hand out as well.

Grasping his big hand, she let him pull her up as she clutched the shredded sweater closed around her breasts with her other arm.

“All right,” she said, when she had straightened her skirt and run a hand through her tousled hair. “I’m, er, decent.” As much as shecouldbe considering she was minus a bra and panties and her sweater was in ruins, anyway.

“Very good, my Lady,” the first guard said, as they both turned around and bowed. “Then I hope you will be pleased to accompany us to the happiest home in all of B’ron Three.”

“The happiest home? That’s certainly nice to hear,” Lucy said as they followed the guards up the front steps of the shimmering white marble mansion.

“Ah, it’s all because of ourDom’mesque, the Lady Twa’linda,” the second guard remarked. “She is the kindest Mistress a male could ask for. She treats all of us who guard her as her lovers and gives us all turns at sucking the sweet nectar from her nipples as well lapping the honey from her pussy.”

“Uh…she does?” Lucy couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice as she eyed the white mansion. What kind of a place was this, anyway? Did Lady Twa’linda have some kind of continuous orgy going on in here?

“Oh yes—she does.” The first guard nodded his head emphatically. “Why, she even chooses a guard each night at dinner to penetrate her as she takes her meal. It is considered a great honor to be chosen for penetration duty,” he added.

“Oh I’m, uh, sure it is,” Lucy murmured.

But T’zaren looked skeptical.

“Forgive me, but I have never heard of a Twainer who was sokindandgenerousto her guards before,” he rumbled.

“Oh, it’s because Lady Twa’linda’s Light Face has been dominant for so many years,” the second guard told him. “Naturally a Twainer whose Dark Face was dominant would never tolerate such behavior. But here at the stronghold, we are happy to say we haven’t seen our Dom’mesque’s Dark Face in nearly fifteen cycles!”

“How very fortunate,” T’zaren rumbled sarcastically.

“Yes, very fortunate indeed,” the first guard agreed earnestly. “My Sire saw the Dark Face in his time guarding at the stronghold. He told me it was hell for the guards! She made them wear pain collars and leashes—like they do to the bodyslaves on Yonnie Six! Not tomentionthe forced penetration.”

“Wait a minute—sheforcedthem to penetrate her?” Lucy asked, frowning.

“Oh no, my Lady.” The Guard shook his head, his eyes wide. “The Dark Face of Lady Twa’linda—Mistress Shin’dara is her name—shepenetratedthem.”He shivered. “How any male could stand that kind of invasion, I’llneverknow.”

Lucy would have liked to ask more questions about the fascinating-sounding “Dark Face” of Lady Twa’linda, who apparently had a different name and an entirely different personality, but they had reached the vast double doors by this time. They were two stories high and richly carved from some dark, polished wood—an imposing sight.

“Welcome to the stronghold, my Lady,” the first guard said, as he and the other guard swung open the doors to reveal an opulent interior. “We hope you enjoy your stay with the Light Face of ourDom’mesque, the Lady Twa’linda.”

“Er, thank you,” Lucy said. Inside, she was privately hoping that their “stay” would be short. What she wanted was to get thedimrieland get out again.

She had no idea how difficult that would prove to be.



T’zaren made sure to keep just behind Lucille—far enough to look like a proper manservant but close enough to protect her if anyone offered her harm.

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