Page 38 of Finding his Goddess
“Of course not, my Lady,” the seamstress said, continuing to cut as though Lucy’s wishes made no difference. “If you were, how could you ever participate in the penetration during dinner?”
“Thewhat?” Lucy exclaimed but the seamstress didn’t answer her. She was putting the finishing touches on the emerald green dress in the form of scalloping around the hem-line. Then she stepped back and nodded approvingly.
“There you are—aproperbanquet dress,” she said.
“Er, I guess so. Thank you—it’s very nice,” Lucy said, though to be honest, she felt almost as naked as she had before the seamstress had started. The thin, stretchy fabric clung to her, emphasizing her curves and clearly showing the points of her nipples. Also, the slit up the front was so high her pussy was almost visible! She was going to have to keep her legs closed as much as possible, she thought.
As for what the seamstress had said about “penetration” well, surely she had misunderstood her words or her meaning—hadn’t she?
“Excellent, seamstress!” Lady Twa’linda nodded enthusiastically as she surveyed Lucy’s new outfit. “That looks justlovely.”She frowned. “But what about Lady Lucille’s manservant? We’d better do him as well—don’t you think?”
“Absolutely, my Lady,” the seamstress agreed. “Those trousers he has on aren’t no-way suited for a fine banquet with aDom’mesqueof your standing.”
“Quite right. Lady Lucille, have your manservant strip,” Lady Twa’linda ordered imperiously. “I’d like to have a look at him anyway—he’s a very fine specimen of malehood indeed.”
Lucy gave T’zaren an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, but it looks like you get the spray-paint treatment too,” she murmured.
The big Monstrum shrugged stoically.
“It is the least I can do to save the Mother Ship.”
He was already shirtless so he simply removed his boots and trousers and then stood there naked in front of Lady Twa’linda’s throne.
“Oh my! Whatever isthat?”
Lucy was trying really hard to keep her eyes above T’zaren’s waist but Lady Twa’linda’s exclamation and the way she was pointing drew her eyes down to the place between his muscular thighs before she could stop herself.
Sure enough, there was definitely something worth seeing. Lucy had heard from Iyanna that Monstrum Kindred had some very unusual endowments below the belt but she’d never heard of anything likethis.
T’zaren had a long, thick shaft that was—as she had guessed earlier—porn-star-sized to say the least. But hanging above it was another, smaller shaft. Actually, that one was about the size Mike’s had been, she thought, frowning, though with a much broader, mushroom-shaped head. But what could be the reason for it?
“If you are referring to my secondary shaft, all males of my kind have one,” T’zaren said, lifting his chin a touch defiantly.
“Forgive me, my good manservant—it’s just that I’ve never seen a male withtwoshafts before!” Lady Twa’linda exclaimed. “Tell me, please, what is the purpose of this smaller shaft above the larger one?”
“My secondary shaft secretes a warming cream which teases the pleasure pearl of myS’renthawhen I am making love to her from the front,” T’zaren explained. “When I take her from the back—which is our Bonding position—it will fill her rosebud as my primary or main shaft fills her pussy.”
“I see…most interesting. Yes, absolutelyfascinating,in fact.” Lady Twa’linda stared at him intently. “How very unusual.”
“The variations in male Stri’vor anatomy have evolved to better please ourS’renthas,”T’zaren told her. He looked down at Lucy, catching and holding her eyes with his own as he spoke. “Lady Lucille is myS’rentha. My shafts are only for her pleasure. My body is made to give her whatever she desires and needs from me.”
“Oh, er…” Lucy cleared her throat, feeling self-conscious for some reason, though it was the big Monstrum who was standing naked in front of the throne. “Thank you, T’zaren,” she said at last, feeling her cheeks get hot with a blush as his golden eyes stared into hers.
“How perfectly lovely!” Lady Twa’linda sighed happily. “Well we must dress him to show off his assets,” she said to the seamstress. “Make sure you use black—that will look lovely against that deep blue skin of his.”
“Absolutely, my Lady.”
The seamstress was already pulling out a silver can with a black circle on it and aiming the nozzle at T’zaren’s bare legs. She sprayed industriously, covering him from his hipbones down to his ankles.
But then, just as Lucy was beginning to think the big Monstrum would escape indecent exposure, the seamstress used her cutting and shaping tools to cut a large V shaped wedge out of the front of the sprayed-on black trousers, which fully exposed both of his shafts.
“There now!” Lady Twa’linda exclaimed, clapping her hands again. “You may put your footwear back on, manservant, but as long as you and your Lady stay in my stronghold, this will be your uniform. I find your double shaft so interesting I want to see italways.”
This seemed like a horribly embarrassing situation to Lucy but T’zaren only bowed stoically and murmured,
“As theDom’mesquewishes.”