Page 41 of Finding his Goddess
But it seemed that T’zaren was all in when it came to letting her take the lead sexually. Only because of his loyalty to the Mother Ship, of course, but still, it was a unique situation that Lucy found herself in and despite the embarrassment of being so intimate with a man she barely knew, she liked it.
That was until she saw the seating arrangements for dinner.
“Now then—let’s both be seated, shall we?” Lady Twa’linda said, smiling. She indicated an oval table, about as big as a dining table to seat four back home on Earth, Lucy thought. The table had only two chairs and it was nearly swallowed up by the massive Banquet Hall with its arched marble ceilings and polished black floor. It was a vast, echoing space and it seemed odd to have a normal sized table in it.
“If you’re wondering why I have such a small dining table and only two chairs, it’s because I seldom have company,” Lady Twa’linda explained. “But it’s delightful to have anotherDom’mesqueas a guest. I’m ever so glad you’re here—even if it is only to talk business.”
“Thank you,” Lucy said politely. “I’m happy to be here, too. Speaking of business—I’m told you have access to a large supply ofdimriel.”
“Dimriel?Yes, as a matter of fact, we mine it out of the chasm,” Lady Twa’linda said dismissively. “I’ll be more than happy to sell you some, but first let’s have dinner. I can never talk business on an empty stomach.”
“Oh—of course.” Lucy nodded. Well at least Twa’linda had agreed to sell them thedimriel.All she needed to do now was to avoid offending their hostess during dinner and they might even be out of here tonight!
“Do have a seat my dear—they can’t bring out the food until we sit,” Lady Twa’linda said. She pointed at the new guard she had chosen for “penetration duty.” “Burnes—settle into the entropy chair and be certain your shaft is nice and hard,” she directed. “Then put the seating straps in place for me.”
Lucy had been looking around the vast Banquet Hall, admiring some of the carved statues in the corners and the floating feather chandeliers which hovered over the table, bathing everything in a golden glow. Now she had a look at the chair which Lady Twa’linda was pointing at.
It was the strangest looking chair she’d ever seen. In fact, it wasn’t so much a chair as a square metal frame strung with what appeared to be hundreds or even thousands of thin, metal wires or strings. There was a dip in the middle of the wires which was clearly where you were supposed to sit, but it didn’t look very comfortable to Lucy at all. Was she really supposed to sit on this?
She supposed she was. With a shrug, she settled herself in the indentation and found—to her surprise—that the metal wires were all stretchy. They gave a bit when she bounced up and down, but they were also quite supportive.
“This is nice,” she remarked, bouncing a little—it was kind of like sitting on a deconstructed trampoline, she decided. “I’ve never sat in an entropy chair before,” she added.
“Clearly not, because you’re doing itwrongmy dear,” Lady Twa’linda laughed. “You’renot supposed to sit in the chair—your manservant is! And then you place the seating straps across his lap andthat’swhere you sit. See?”
She pointed to her own entropy chair and Lucy saw that the guard she had called “Burnes” was seated in it. The panel in his trousers was still open, exposing a dark green cock of not-inconsiderable length.
As Lucy watched, the guard pulled a broad leather strap across his lap and fastened it to both arms of the chair. The strap had a slit in the middle for his cock to stick up through. It looked very strange when he was finished—at least to Lucy.
“There now—is everything in place?” Lady Twa’linda asked him.
He nodded eagerly.
“Yes, my Lady! I’m ready for you to take your seat—morethan ready.”
“Good, then let me just show our guest how to seat herself…”
Lady Twa’linda did something to her long pink gown and Lucy saw that it had a split up the front of it—and also up the back—which enabled her to expose her pussy completely, which she did with no sign of any self-consciousness at all. Her outer pussy lips were as pale as the rest of her skin but her inner folds appeared to be a bright, almost neon pink.
“Now, you just settle yourself on the seating straps,” she told Lucy, as she did exactly that. “And you can…ahhhh…ride your manservant as you eat dinner.”
While she spoke, she settled herself on the horizontal leather seat strung between the chair’s arms. As she did, the guard’s long, dark green cock, which was poking up through the slit in the center of the seat-strap, thrust slowly into her shockingly pink pussy. Until at last, Lady Twa’linda was settled all the way down and the entire throbbing length was buried inside her to the root.
Lucy bit her lip. Oh God, was shereallygoing to have to do this? Was she really going to have to sit through a whole dinner with T’zaren’s cock up inside her? She barelyknewthe big Monstrum and she’d never really been into casual sex!
“Er…that’s a very, uh, unusual seating position,” she said at last, weakly.
“Yes—it’s quite useful, too,” Lady Twa’linda lectured. “For you see, the controls justhereallow you to raise or lower yourself on your manservant’s shaft. Like so…”
She pressed some buttons on the side of the strange chair. At once the metal frame of the chair’s arms elongated, growing upwards and lifting the leather strap seat she was sitting on. This raised her up until only the head of the guard’s cock was inside her.
“Like that—you see?” she said, smiling coquettishly at Lucy. “Sometimes one mustpunishone’s manservant by teasing him this way. Why, often I’ll be adjusting the seat settings through the entire meal—riding up and down—and whichever guard is on penetration duty just has to stand it. For theyknowif they come in me or try to fuck mewithoutmy express permission, they’ll get into dreadful trouble!” she added, turning her head to give the guard named Burnes a severe look.