Page 47 of Finding his Goddess
“Do so, then. Here—switch me places.”
Lady Twa’linda was in the act of climbing off the guard’s lap when she seemed to realize that Lucy and T’zaren were still sitting across from her.
“Oh my dear—don’t let me keep you,” she exclaimed. “You go with the servants and they’ll lead you to your room and give you anything you need. I imagine you might want your manservant to lick yourownpussy clean as well.” She tittered. “But I know you’re modest, so you may do it in your room in privacy if you like.”
“Oh, er, yes. Yes, of course,” Lucy could feel her cheeks getting hot. Mike had never liked going down on her, which had given her kind of a complex about it. So she would neverdreamof asking T’zaren to do such a thing as “lick her pussy clean.” But of course she couldn’t say that to their hostess.
“Very good then. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Lady Twa’linda was already settling herself in the entropy chair with her legs spread wide while her guard kneeled between them, eagerly lapping up the cream he had so recently deposited in her pussy.
Suddenly, a servant appeared at Lucy’s elbow.
“I can take you to your room if you like, my Lady,” he said with a bow.
“Thank you.” Lucy nodded to him. “Just give me a moment to, er, dismount.”
This proved to be easier said than done, however. Because of the position of the chair, her legs were dangling and her feet couldn’t touch the ground, which didn’t give her any leverage at all to get up. Lucy thought about trying to use the buttons to lower the chair, but she was afraid she might accidentally hit the fuck button again, and she was still swollen and tender from thelasttime.
At last T’zaren shifted restlessly under her.
“Here, let me, myS’rentha,” he growled. Fitting his big hands to her waist, he lifted her up and off of him and sat her firmly on the polished black marble floor.
Lucy felt a little wobbly—and slightly bowlegged. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had something so thick inside her for so long. Though the dinner had actually lasted less than an hour, that was still quite a long time to be penetrated so deeply and filled so full, she thought.
“Be careful, my Lady.” T’zaren was already up, out of the chair. He took her arm to steady her when she swayed slightly.
“I…I’m fine,” Lucy protested, though actually she was extremely wet, sticky, and swollen. Her clit was still throbbing and she could feel more of his warming cream running down her inner thighs. Had he come in her again? She didn’tthinkso because she hadn’t felt his shaft throbbing inside her and stretching her inner walls as it had when the big Monstrum was spurting inside her. His secondary shaft must just make a lot of that warming liquid, she decided. And of course, he’d been leaking inside her during almost the entire meal.
God, can’t believe we did that! Can’t believe he fucked me. Or at least, the chairmadehim fuck me. This mission is going to be ten times more awkward now!she thought.
She took a step and swayed again.
“You are not fine—not at all,” T’zaren growled.
To her surprise, he swung her abruptly into his arms.
“Oh!” Lucy exclaimed.
She hadn’t been lifted like this since she was a child! And T’zaren was holding her like she weighed no more than a feather pillow—which was most definitelynotthe case.
“You don’t have to do this—I can walk,” she protested.
“You’re unsteady on your feet and I believe that’s my fault,” T’zaren growled, not putting her down. “I fucked you too hard, my Lady—and filled you with too much of my warming cream.”
“Oh, er…you couldn’t help it,” Lucy said weakly. Could the warming cream he’d put in her have made her dizzy, she wondered? Could that be another side effect—like the swollen heat she was feeling in her clit?
“Ishouldhave helped it—I should have had more self-control,” T’zaren said grimly.
Lucy started to protest again, but he was already talking to the servant.
“Take us to our room so I can tend to my Lady,” he said sternly. “And be certain it has bathing facilities. I must wash her—she is sticky from the cream I pumped into her pussy.”
“Allthe sleeping chambers in Lady Twa’linda’s stronghold have state of the art bathing facilities,” the servant assured him. “Come right this way and I’ll show you to your room.”
Lucy wondered if she ought to tell him to put her down again but it seemed like too much trouble. Closing her eyes, she rested her head against his broad chest and let the big Monstrum carry her to their room.