Page 53 of Finding his Goddess
“Ialwayswant to taste you,” he growled softly.
So they lay on the bed with his head between her thighs, his hot tongue slowly caressing her folds as Lucy relaxed.
I could get used to this,she thought sleepily as she ran her fingers through his thick hair while he bathed her with his tongue. She’d never been with a man who wanted so much to taste her—or who knew exactly what he was doing once he got down there. T’zaren put every other lover she’d ever had to absolute shame, and that went double for her ex.
He gave her one more gentle orgasm before she drifted off to an exhausted sleep. And when she did, she dreamed that the two of them were bonded and she was living aboard the Mother Ship with Iyanna as her neighbor…
She had no idea that far from her lovely dream, the next day at Twa’linda the Twainer’s stronghold was going to be a nightmare.
“Get up! Get up! Do hurry—youmustget up!”
The female voice twittering somewhere in the distance was vaguely familiar, Lucy thought, blinking her eyes. It must be a dream, though, because she didn’t see anyone in the massive bedroom.
“What…who…?” she asked, trying to wake up. There was a heavy weight on her thigh and she realized that T’zaren had fallen asleep with his head between her legs. His big body lay curled at the foot of the bed and his cheek was pillowed on her inner thigh.
When Lucy stirred, the big Monstrum opened his golden eyes sleepily and looked up at her.
“Good morning, myS’rentha,” he rumbled. “I trust you slept well?” And leaning forward, he planted a soft, open-mouthed kiss on her pussy mound.
“Yes, I did.” Lucy gave him a shy smile. “How could I help it after…well, after last night?”
“Mmm, then I trust you enjoyed letting me worship you?” T’zaren inquired. There was a little half-smile playing around the corner of his mouth—the first smile Lucy had ever seen on his stern face. It suited him very well, she thought as she smiled back.
“I did,” she admitted. “You’re, uh, very good at it.”
“Then maybe you won’t mind letting me do it again?” he rumbled softly.
Ducking his head, he kissed her again, this time more fully. Lucy moaned softly when she felt his hot tongue part her pussy lips as he took a leisurely taste of her trembling clit. When he looked up, his smile was wider and his eyes were half-lidded with lust.
“Mmm…already getting wet, myS’rentha.I love how much pussy honey you make for me.”
Lucy felt a tremble of pleasure go through her.
“I’m glad you like it,” she said shyly. “My ex never did.”
“He was a fool. Ilovelicking and tasting you—worshipping you,” T’zaren growled. “I admit that when I first met you, I didn’t think you would make a goodS’rentha. But now…”
“Now?” Lucy echoed him, her heart pounding. Was he saying what shethoughthe was saying?
T’zaren looked thoughtful.
“Well now…I’m beginning to think I might have been hasty in my judgment,” he murmured. “In fact, I was hoping that once we get home from this mission we might…see each other more.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow at him.
“I thought you said we would part forever after we got thedimrielfor the Mother Ship.”
“I did say that but maybe I was wrong,” T’zaren said. He looked up at her intently. “I have tried meeting other human women, but none of them made my Sen Stripe flare as you do, Lucille. Would you consider going with me on what your people call a ‘date’ when we get back to the Mother Ship?”
Lucy felt her heart give a wild leap. A feeling of overwhelming rightness suffused her entire body. It felt like everything they’d been through together had brought them to this point—to finding each other.
“Yes,” she said, smiling at him. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”
“As would I,” T’zaren murmured, and turned his head to place another long, lingering kiss on her pussy. But just as he was spreading her puffy outer lips with his thumbs and beginning to lick her in earnest, a banging came on the door to their bed chamber and a voice—the same voice that had woken Lucy up a moment ago—began shouting through the thick wood.