Page 72 of Finding his Goddess
After that, to Lucy’s mind, there was nothing else to be said. They were both committed to this act—now they just had to do it.
They walked out from behind the throne to find the guards all assembled in neat rows again on either side of the Penetration Arch. The arch had been set up right in front of the throne, where Mistress Shin’dara was once again seated, an expectant look on her face. At her feet was a white sheet filled with blood-red crystals of all shapes and sizes.
The dimriel!T’zaren thought, eyeing it. Just a single crystal the size of his thumb would be enough to replace the Mother Ship’s heart. If tended correctly, it would grow to fill the heart space at the center of the ship in no time. But in order to get that tiny piece, he and Lucille had to put on a show for the sadistic Twainer sitting on the throne.
Forget about her,T’zaren told himself.For that matter, forget about the dimriel—at least for now. Forget about the guards standing around watching and focus on the most important thing—you’re about to take the Unbreakable Vow. You’re about to give yourself to your S’rentha completely. You have to concentrate on that.
He was determined to do exactly that—to block out everything but Lucille and the emotions he felt for her and knew she felt for him. True, he would have preferred to take the Unbreakable Vowafterthey had been bonded together—it was said to be an incomparable experience when the soul-bond that all Kindred and Monstrum males formed with their mates was established. But since he didn’t have the luxury of bonding Lucille to him before he gave himself to her, they would just have to make the most of it.
Two guards led him over to the Penetration Arch and fastened his wrists into tough leather manacles that were dangling by chains from the bottom side of the arch. Then one of them grabbed the back of his trousers and yanked them down, exposing his ass. He would have taken the cock rings off of T’zaren’s shafts as well, but at that point Lucille stepped in to stop him.
“Don’t touch him!” she said sternly, glaring at the guard. “He’smymanservant—no one is going to handle his sensitive parts butme.Get back in line!”
T’zaren gave her a grateful look.
“Thank you, my S’rentha,” he murmured as the guard shuffled back to his spot. “I would not have wanted his hands on me—or anyone’s hands but yours.”
“That’s exactly how I feel, too. Don’t worry, baby—nobody’s touching you but me,” Lucille said firmly.
It was the first time she’d called him the sweet nickname, which humans seemed so fond of, and T’zaren found he liked it, as well as her fiercely protective attitude. Though it might seem silly to think that the curvy little female could protect a huge male like himself, he felt safer and better when Lucille was near—especially given his current, vulnerable circumstances.
Her soft, cool fingers felt good on his flesh as she removed the leather cock rings around the bases of both his shafts. T’zaren wondered at the necessity of removing them at first, but then he remembered that Mistress Shin’dara had said she wanted to see him shoot from both shafts. It seemed that she might get her wish, he thought dryly. For having Lucille’s soft hands on him made him almost ready to shoot at once and she hadn’t even penetrated him yet.
He tried to concentrate on her hands and the long, loose blond curls around her flushed face and ignore the golden shaft that was plugged firmly into her soft little pussy. But inside, part of him was asking if he really thought he could take all that in his ass.
Guess we’re going to find out,T’zaren told himself.Whatever you do, stay loose and don’t clench up! That will only make things harder!
“T’zaren? T’zaren?”
It took him a moment to realize that Lucille was calling his name. She was looking up at him, an expression of worry on her lovely face.
“Hey,” she said, when she saw that she had his attention. “Are you okay? You look like you’re getting too much into your own head.”
“I’m fine,” T’zaren said, as much to reassure himself as her.
“I found the lube button on this thing,” she told him. “See?”
She pressed a recessed button at the base of the long, golden dildo and a generous amount of slick, clear liquid came from the tip.
“See that?” Lucille asked him. “And there’s plenty more where that came from. I think this whole thing might be filled with it.” And she stroked the golden shaft protruding from her soft little pussy in a way that did strange things to T’zaren’s stomach.
He had never particularly longed to be penetrated, though he had always known it was a possibility if he found the right woman—his trueS’rentha.Even now, preparing to take the Unbreakable Vow with her, he had been looking on the experience as something to get through—not a pleasure.
But now, watching the curvy little female stroke the golden shaft between her thighs, he began to re-evaluate the situation. She looked so fucking sexy with the thick shaft piercing her, filling her tight little pussy to the limit! And suddenly the idea of letting her fuck him with it began to seem more and more appealing. Less like a duty and more like a pleasure.
IfI can be open enough to take it, he thought.
“I just want you to know everything’s going to be all right,” Lucille said, looking up at him. She seemed to have lost her uncertainty and inhibitions and T’zaren saw that determined set to her chin, which he was beginning to know so well.
“Thank you,S’rentha,” he murmured, wishing he could cup her cheek or lean down to kiss her. But he was manacled securely to the metal Penetration Arch, so he couldn’t move.
Lucille seemed to see the longing in his eyes because she stood on her tiptoes and just managed to brush his lips with hers.
“Going to take good care of you,” she promised softly. Then she went around behind him to where the stepping stool was placed.