Page 75 of Finding his Goddess
“You pounded my ass,” T’zaren admitted, still panting. “But I fucking loved it, myS’rentha.”
He leaned back against her, loving the comforting feeling of her small, gentle hands caressing his back and sides. The Unbreakable Vow had been taken and they had both drawn pleasure from it. Now, doubtless, Lucille would start talking about the two of them moving in together and getting bonded. There was really nothing else they could do, now that they had taken such a serious step together.
But it wasn’t Lucille who spoke next—it was the shrewish voice of Mistress Shin’dara he heard echoing in the marble Throne Room.
“Enough,” she snapped, glaring at the both of them. “That wasn’t painful at all! Your manslave gave it up for you like he’d been born to it! You didn’t rail him like I wanted you to—youpleasuredhim! I could barely stand to watch!”
“It doesn’t matter if he got pleasure from it or not—we fulfilled our end of the bargain,” Lucy pointed out. She was still inside him and T’zaren felt strange twinge of disappointment as she finally started to draw out. “Thedimrielis ours,” she told the Twainer as she finally pulled the entire golden shaft out of his ass. “Give it to us and let us be on our way.”
“No.” Mistress Shin’dara gave her a level glance. “No, I don’t think so. You might have gotten satisfaction from fucking your manslave, butIcertainly didn’t.”
“What are you talking about?” Lucille demanded. “I don’t know what else you expect us to do for you!”
“I don’t expect you to do anything but make your manslave hold still while I fuck him,” the Twainer purred.
Rising from her throne, she thrust out her hips and T’zaren saw a sight that made his blood run cold. Attached to Mistress Shin’dara’s crotch was a shaft twice as big as the one Lucille had just used on him. And it was covered in long, curving thorns.
‘’My turn,” she purred.
Lucy couldn’t believe what she was hearing…what she was seeing! She’d just had the most intense sexual experience of her life with the man she was pretty sure she was falling in love with. And now that bitch, Mistress Shin’dara was trying to hurt him!
It really had been incredible, fucking the big Monstrum. Lucy would never have believed she could enjoy an act like that so much. But seeing his big, muscular body so open and vulnerable just for her did something to her insides. She’d wanted to make the experience good for T’zaren and by the way he had groaned and begged for more, she’d certainly succeeded.
Lucy loved it when a man was vocal in bed. Mike, her ex, had never done more than grunt once or twice. She loved it that T’zaren had begged her to fuck him and had given himself to her so completely. She only hoped she could return the favor soon, since they were definitely officially dating now.
But first they had to get thedimrieland get out of here, and Mistress Shin’dara seemed determined to keep them from doing either.
The cruel Twainer stepped forward, stroking the base of the thick black dildo, studded with hooked silver thorns, which protruded from her pussy.
“I said, it’smy turn,”she snapped, her eyes narrowed as she glared at Lucy. “Step aside—if you can’t fuck your manslave correctly, I’ll show you how it’s done!”
“The hell you will!” Lucy didn’t care that they were in the other woman’s stronghold with guards all around—she’d be damned if she let that bitch get anywherenearT’zaren with the instrument of torture she had strapped to her pussy!
Pulling the golden dildo out of herself, she cast it aside and marched down the steps of the stool to come put herself between T’zaren and the evil Mistress.
Mistress Shin’dara looked annoyed.
“Step aside, you little pretender,” she snapped at Lucy. “It’s clear you don’t know the proper way to dominate a male so I’m going to show you.”
“If you come anywherenearT’zaren with that thing you’re going to be sorry!” Lucy snarled. She was so angry, she could barely see straight! “We did everything you asked and now you’re trying to back out of the bargain,” she told the Twainer. “I’ve had just about enough of you—let me talk to Lady Twa’linda. Right now!”
Mistress Shin’dara’s dark eyes narrowed.
“Oh, so you want to see my Other Half?” she hissed venomously. “Well who am I to stop you? Here she is!”
She tore the long, red-stained veil that had been fixed to the back of her head away with a single motion and let it drift to the ground. Then she turned her back to Lucy…
Only her back wasn’t a back, Lucy saw with horror. It was another front! It was, in fact, Lady Twa’linda!
The Light Face of the Twainer was clearly dead. Her tongue lolled limply from her slack lips and her eyes were open but seeing nothing—well one was, anyway. The other looked like it had been gouged out by a sharp object. The rest of the limp body had been pierced multiple times as well.
Looking at the discarded white veil, Lucy realized that the red stains on it reallywereblood, just as she had suspected. And the spikes on the throne were clearly the cause. She remembered the way Mistress Shin’dara had been leaning against them so obviously—had she been killing her Other Half on purpose? Murdering the only part of her that was in any way decent and kind?
It seemed clear that she had. So now there was only darkness and evil left in the Twainer…which was very bad news for Lucy and T’zaren.