Page 85 of Finding his Goddess
“There aren’t any chairs in here but we can sit on the bed,” Lucille said, motioning to the mattress. It wasn’t nearly as large as the one they had shared in the Twainer’s stronghold, but it was big enough to fit two comfortably, T’zaren thought. It had a red bedspread and several plump pillows. There was a lamp on the dresser in a corner casting a warm, golden glow over everything.
T’zaren sat where Lucille indicated and looked into her lovely eyes. He saw hope and desire there that matched his own and suddenly he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“I know, in my culture at least, a male isn’t supposed to say this to a female, but Iwantyou, Lucille,” he said, deciding to be blunt. “I want to touch and taste every bit of your soft, sweet, curvy body and make you moan my name again,” he told her.
“Oh!” The color rose in her cheeks and she put a hand to her chest. She was wearing a long black gown with a low-cut neckline, so that he could see her generous cleavage. It made him think of sucking her tight nipples and lapping her soft little pussy until she pulled his hair and cried for more.
Just the memory of tasting her was enough to have both his shafts throbbing in his trousers. And though, in his culture a male didn’t usually make the first move, T’zaren leaned down to gather her into his arms and kiss her.
Lucille kissed him back hungrily. Putting her arms around him, she stroked his Sen Stripe, sending hot flames of desire through his entire body.
T’zaren gasped and broke the kiss abruptly.
“Gods,S’rentha,when you touch me it makes my body react sostrongly”he groaned. “Both my shafts are aching for you!”
“We should really…really talk about this…” Lucille was panting, her cheeks flushed. “But I don’t want to.”
And she dragged him down for another kiss.
Before T’zaren knew it, they had fallen back on the bed and were tearing each other’s clothes off. He only had on his boots and trousers but he was eager to get the long black dress off of Lucille so he could touch her and taste her again.
“Wait a minute—wait!” she gasped as he tugged at it. “Don’t want to…to tear my best witch dress. I wear it every Halloween to hand out candy.”
She sat up and tugged the black fabric over her head, revealing her large, creamy breasts cupped in a black lace undergarment. She was wearing panties to match and the sight of her full curves, barely hidden by the black lace, made T’zaren’s shafts ache and his balls feel tight.
“Gods, Lucille—you’re so fucking beautiful,” he growled hoarsely. “Love your breasts!”
“And I love that you love them,” she said breathlessly. “Only…” She looked down at herself, frowning. “I, uh, think something weird is going on with them.”
“What? Is there something wrong?” T’zaren looked at her anxiously.
“I didn’t think so earlier, but the minute you started touching me they started feeling strange,” Lucille admitted. “And now, look…” She motioned to the black lace garment that covered her breasts and T’zaren saw that there were two wet spots on the front of it—both of them just over the tight points of her nipples.
“What’s that?” he asked, bewildered.
Lucille shook her head, a worried look on her face.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’d better go into the bathroom and check it out.”
“No—stay here,” T’zaren urged her. “Let me help you. Let me care for you as a male should care for hisS’rentha.”
“Well…okay. Good thing it’s a front-hook bra, I guess.” Hesitantly, she began to unhook the lacy garment and then peeled it open.
T’zaren caught his breath at what he saw. Not only had her breasts gotten larger, her nipples had too. They were darker as well and there were droplets of amber liquid welling on the tight tips.
“Oh my God! What is thisstuffI’m leaking?” Lucille sounded genuinely upset.
“Are you notsupposedto be leaking?” T’zaren asked anxiously—he still didn’t know much about human female anatomy.
“Not unless I had a baby and I’m breastfeeding, but I don’t have a baby because my stupid ex didn’t want kids and this doesn’t even look like breast milk!”
She touched a fingertip to her nipple and came away with an amber droplet.
Suddenly T’zaren realized what it was.
“That’s nectar! Breast nectar like Lady Twa’linda made for her guards to suck from her!” he exclaimed. “Don’t you remember? She told you she would give you a drink to make you produce it, too?”
“That’s right, she did!” Lucille exclaimed. “And she said it wouldn’t take effect for a while. Oh my God…” She put a hand to her cheek. “How am I ever going to stop leaking? Do you think there’s some kind of antidote?”