Page 19 of Deeper You Dig
“I’ll make sure to thank him,” I promise.
“You two realize this is a PG event, right?” Jake calls out behind us.
When he’s close enough, I wrap an arm around his neck and choke-hug him to my side. “Thanks for being cool with this.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He executes a spin move to get away from me and Trinity applauds.
“You’ll have to teach me that move at the next class,” she says to him.
“You wanna get away from me, Angel Face?” I ask.
Jake sticks his index finger down his throat and pretends to gag.
“Keep it up.” I reach out and shove him sideways, almost knocking him into one of the black trees. “I’ll give you something to choke on.”
He squints. “That sounds dirty.”
Trinity snort-laughs into her hand.
“And you’re not my type,” Jake adds.
“How have I let you live all these years?” I ask.
He’s saved from answering by the back door opening. Little giggles and Hope’s softer voice echo through the otherwise quiet gym.
“Back here, Hope!” Trinity shouts.
I bust up laughing as soon as I see Hope in her granny get-up. “The fuck are you supposed to be, Cinderella?”
“Thatwould’ve been a better costume choice.” She tugs her white bonnet into place.
“What are you supposed to be?” Rock asks me. “A feral Sasquatch?”
I scratch my beard. “Aren’t all Sasquatches feral?”
“Look at you!” Trinity leans over to check out little Grace’s costume.
“Red Riding Hood?” I ask Hope.
She nods.
“Granny. Got it. Why isn’t Rock the big, bad wolf?”
“Chance is the wolf,” Hope says with an eye roll, as if that’s something I should’ve known.
“When are they getting here?” Trinity checks her phone. “Heidi and Alexa are almost here.” She smiles at Grace. “We need all our little monsters here so the mash can begin.”
It’s beenyears since my days of working retail, collecting money from strangers. At least my job today is simple and straightforward. Five dollars per family. Cash in an envelope tucked inside my apron. Smile. Admire the costumes.
Trinity said she only needed me for ten minutes. That was half an hour ago.
There’s a lull in the line and I step inside Furious to warm up. “Getting chilly out there,” I say to Heidi, who’s been handing out treats as the kids enter the “haunted forest.”