Page 34 of Deeper You Dig
“Bad angel?” I shrug. “I was a good angel all day. Now I get to be naughty.”
Hope chuckles. “Wrath’s going to lose his mind.”
“I know.” I grin and glance at my bag. “My last costume of the night is a much tinier version for his eyes only.”
“I don’t need to know that,” she moans.
We step into the bathroom and Hope closes the door. “All right. What do I need to do?” She claps her hands together and stares at the costume, all business now.
“Don’t laugh, but it came with a special kind of lube to help it slide on easier.”
She ignores my “don’t laugh” warning and falls into a fit of giggles.
“Just help me tug it into place,” I huff. “I think it’ll be easier because it’s sleeveless.”
“And strapless. Aren’t you worried your boobs will fall out?”
“Nah, we’ll wrestle them into place.”
“I love you, Trin,” she says in a voice full of false patience. “You’ve already got me lubing you up. But I draw the line at boob-wrangling.”
“Sheesh.” I’d prepped the suit earlier, but it needs smoothing out.
I strip down to my underwear and start the process. Thanks to the lube, the suit goes on easier than I expected. “Cinch it tight, Hope,” I say over my shoulder as she works the ties up the back.
“I don’t want to crush your ribs.” She grunts and pulls harder.
“You won’t,” I assure her.
Finally, we’re done. I turn and hold out my arms. “What do you think?”
“Hot, hot, hot.” She shakes her head. “Fire in human form.”
“Thanks.” I smooth my hands over my hips.
We join the others and Hope helps me strap a pair of red, feathers-and-sequins wings on my back.
“Damn, Trinity,” Lilly says, running her hand over the leg of my suit. “This is amazing.”
“Thanks.” I search the room. “I need my halo.”
“Oh, hang on.” Hope runs out of the room and returns a few seconds later with her hands behind her back.
“What’s that?” I ask.
She holds out a gold crown with sparkling red stones. “Instead of a halo, I thought you deserved a crown. You are a LOKI queen, after all.”
“Queen of the bad angels. I love it,” Shelby hoots.
Well, at least if I start crying, I won’t ruin my makeup since I haven’t put any on yet.
“Damn it, Hope.” I take the crown and study the shiny gold metal and ruby-red crystals. “It’s really pretty. Thank you.”
“We’re almost done,” Serena says. “So whoever needs me next, come on over.”
Lilly’s been transformed. Serena painted a full mask of glittery blue and green fish-like scales from Lilly’s forehead to the apples of her cheeks. Below that, she’s painted an outline of a skull, complete with a freakish number of white teeth stretched almost from ear to ear.
“Mermaid skeleton?” I guess.