Page 36 of Deeper You Dig
I peel my eyes open. The left one feels like it’s lifting weights and every time I blink, I get a flash of red.
“Feel okay?” Serena asks.
“Just a little weird.” I flick my gaze to Lilly and let out my own whistle. A sleek, deep blue, sequined strapless dress falls to her ankles, the skirt flaring out at the bottom. White “bones” have been embroidered into the front of the dress. Instead of legs, there’s the outline of a tail. “Damn, woman. How can you make a skeleton look sexy?”
Lilly places her hands on her hips and strikes a dramatic pose. “It’s a gift.”
The girls snort-giggle and heckle Lilly.
“Let’s finish,” Serena says, touching my chin and turning me to face her. “Eyes closed,” she reminds me.
Someone’s phone buzzes.
“Rooster’s got my fortune teller booth all set up,” Shelby says. “I’m gonna head down there.”
“Okay,” Serena says to me. “You can open your eyes.”
I blink them open for the second time.
“Feel okay?” Serena asks.
“I think so.”
“You’ll get used to them,” Shelby assures me. “I wear them onstage all the time.” She comes closer. “Ooo, never any as pretty as those, though. You girls all right if I head downstairs?”
“I’ll go with you,” Lilly volunteers. “Scope out the party.”
“Let me finish your liner,” Serena says. “Then it’s your turn, Hope.”
Hope stares down at her outfit. “Next to the four of you, I feel so uncreative in my totally plain costume.”
“Yeah, but you look hot as fuck,” Lilly says. “And anyone over twenty-five should know who you’re supposed to be without asking.”
“Hey!” Shelby raises her hand. “I’m under twenty-five and I know who Sandy Olsson is. I must’ve watched that movie a hundred times when I was a kid.”
“Sorry,” Lilly says. “Bottom line, we’re all fucking hot.”
I haven’t gone huntingwith Wrath in years. But I still know a thing or two about stalking prey.
“What crawled up your ass, Rock?” Grinder asks.
“Nothing. Just need to find someone.”
“G!” Rooster calls out. “Can you give me a hand?”
With Grinder occupied, I’m free to search the room.
There he is.
Ravage is leaning up against the wall, chatting up some girl in what I guess is a bunny costume. Tall white ears on her head, white bikini top, thong, and I don’t want to contemplate how she attached the fluffy white tail coming out of her ass.
The muffler bunny turns and catches sight of me. Her eyes widen and she thrusts her chest out.
Rav frowns, confused about losing her attention. He follows her line of sight and it’s almost comical how wide his eyes get.