Page 69 of Harmony
“Hey,” Zoe protests and is completely ignored.
“You mean, the same way you and my brother were married for almost three months butaccidentallyblurted it out, and even then, only because you have an issue with locking doors?”
There’s a tense silence as Trista and Phoebe glare at each other, Zoe seemingly trying to decide what part of this entire conversation she’s most angry about, and the boys are all shooting worried glances. But none of them seem to be man enough to stop this ridiculous stare-down.
I sigh and turn to Zoe and point at her hair. “Teal would totally clash with that shade of purple,” I determine, all eyes turning to me with surprise, then I look Phoebe over. “And, also, I’m kind of sorry we didn’t end up in court with Jason now that I’ve met you.”
“I would have served him his ass on a platter and made him eat it on livestream.” She says it so calmly, it’s even scarier than if it would have been said with anger.
“And I would have totally paid to watch that,” Trista states, and Zoe nods fervently in agreement.
“I’m glad to see you’ve found common ground again.” I wink at Brian as he and the boys walk toward us with a collection of grins that should definitely be outlawed. “Now, I’m going to go find the bathroom.”
“Need help?” Trista asks, and I shake my head.
“Nope, I’m good.” I wave her off, smiling with mischief when Brian bends down to steal a kiss. “Catch you later,Kitten.”
“It’s not as cute as it was before you two got together,” I hear Phoebe say as I walk away.
“Just get over it already, Phoebs.” Brian sounds annoyed, and judging by Trista’s squeal of delight followed by Phoebe’s grossed out protests and a bout of laughter from everyone else, I assume he swooped her into one of those epic kisses she told me about.
I miss epic kisses.
Just as the thought crosses my mind, I walk into a solid wall of muscles clad in a bright gray sweater that is Michael’s chest, his strong arms wrapping around me before I stumble backward on my ass.
“There are better ways to cop a feel, Rockstar.” He grins at me, but there’s a hint of worry in his eyes, and I don’t think it’s for me this time.
“It’s beyond me how you stand this idiot,” David says as he rounds Michael.
The stark resemblance still startles me, but I know Michael well enough to see the small discrepancies, the way David carries himself with a more rigid posture, his walk is more determined while Michael seems more carefree in his entire ambiance. But Michael has sadness in his eyes, while David always has an undertone of joy, and even though David’s bright-brown eyes are almost always serious, the happiness and softness burst out when he’s looking at his wife and daughters.
“That makes two of us,” Michael says and winks at me, and David claps his back with a chuckle as he goes to join the rest of the clan.
“You okay?” I look up at him once we’re alone.
“Yeah. Amara is piling legal garbage on us to try and force our hand to keep her with the label,” he explains, his expression growing tired. “I just don’t have the energy for it now, you know?”
“Yeah.” I cup his cheek, and he leans into my palm, planting a soft kiss there. “We agreed to no kissing.”
“Not the kissing I was thinking about when you said that.” His suggestive grin is back full force, and I shake my head, though I’m not unaffected.
“Whatever you were thinking about will have to wait until after I pee, Cupcake.”
“Okay.” But despite saying that, he doesn’t make a move to let me go, his bright brown eyes shining down at me, asking for permission to do something neither of us can fully handle at the moment.
“Michael.” His name passes my lips on a sigh, both longing and exasperated. “Your baby is sitting on my bladder.”
His arms drop to his sides, and his grin turns into a sheepish smile. “I’ll wait for you here.”
And despite me willing it to calm, my pulse is still racing even as I walk away.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“Honey, I’m home!”Michael’s voice carries from the front door.
“In the living room, Cupcake,” I call back on autopilot. I’m so used to the daily exchange that I don’t even notice I do it anymore.