Page 3 of Fairytale Killer
No one was in sight, which seemed odd. Maybe her date was waiting inside the limousine ready to surprise her with something, but shouldn’t there be a driver or someone waiting to open the door for her? Wasn't that how fancy cars worked?
Intrigued by what he had planned for her, she opened the door and climbed inside.
It was empty. There was no one waiting in here for her.
What was going on?
She was edging further away from intrigued and closer toward uneasy. Her instincts were telling her something was wrong. She just didn’t know what.
“Hello?” she called out.
There should be her date and a driver, but no one answered.
Unsure what was going on, Georgia decided she should get out of here.
Her heart plummeted when she went to open the door.
There was no doorhandle.
She was trapped.
“No!” Georgia thumped on the door, trying to push it open.
All of a sudden, the engine revved and the car began to move.
Was she being kidnapped?
She began to hammer her fists on the window in earnest. “Help me,” she screamed. How could this be happening? How could her fairytale first date with her Prince Charming end up like this?
* * * * *
8:33 P.M.
His princess slept peacefully in the back of the limousine.
He hoped this time things worked out better.
Honestly, he hadn’t expected it to be this difficult to find a suitable woman. One who was beautiful, smart, sweet, funny, sexy, and obedient. Really it wasn't such an unusual combination. Wasn't it what every other man wanted?
Some might deny it, say that they wanted a strong independent woman, but no one really wanted that. Why would you want someone who argued with you? Who thought they knew better? Who wanted to do their own thing rather than take care of you?
A woman’s job was to care for the home and children. She should always look her best, and she should always have dinner ready on the table when he came home each day. She should always put his needs and wants before her own.
The perfect woman.
She was out there somewhere.
But it wasn't the woman in his arms, she had been a failure.
He had tried. He was never one who gave up easily. In fact, hehatedgiving up. So, he had given things with Tillie a real go. She had stayed with him for over a month, and he had spent time with her every single day. He had explained to her over and over again what his expectations were.
He had been patient.
It hadn’t done any good.
She wouldn’t learn. She kept resisting him at every turn. Fighting him, talking back, burning meals, failing to keep her hair and makeup up to scratch, not getting in her required amount of exercise each day, and in bed she didn’t take care of his needs.