Page 39 of Fairytale Killer
“That’s probably just a coincidence,” Joynelle spoke up, but she looked uncertain.
“Two victims perhaps,” he agreed. “But four? That is not a coincidence. We can’t deny the connection.”
“We can't hand over access to people’s personal information without a warrant,” Jaden said.
“We’re working on one,” Matthew assured him. “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to have a lawyer with you?”
“You said we weren’t under arrest.”
“You’re not.”
“Then we don’t need one, we didn't do anything wrong.”
“Can you think on anyone who might want to hurt either of you?” Allina asked.
Joynelle’s blue eyes grew wide. “You think someone might be doing this to hurt us?”
“We can't rule it out as a possibility,” Allina replied.
Joynelle trembled at the thought. She was a petite woman, a little over five feet tall, and barely one hundred pounds. She had shoulder-length light blonde hair, and her large blue eyes seemed too large for her narrow face. Despite the already hot day she was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, and Matthew had noticed the way she cradled her left wrist, and favored her right side. She was hurt, and he suspected he knew how she had sustained those injuries.
“Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt you?” he asked.
“No.” Joynelle dropped her gaze to the table and let her hair fall in a curtain around her face.
Jaden just shrugged indifferently.
“We understand you have a bit of a temper, Mr. Kite.” Matthew turned his attention to the other man.
“Who says?” Jaden scowled.
“You have a couple of DUI charges, and the arresting officers say you were belligerent and argumentative.”
“So what? Are you implying that I'm a suspect?” Jaden looked more angry than scared about the prospect.
“We have to look into every possibility,” Matthew said. “All four victims are connected to your website. We would be remiss if we didn't look into you and your wife.”
“I own fourteen businesses, I make millions every year, I own three houses, I drive a Porsche,” Jaden snapped.
None of those things excluded him from being the killer. In fact, in this particular case, given the dresses the women had been found in and the prince charming and princess theme to the crimes, it only added further evidence against him.
“One of your businesses is a limousine company, correct?” Allina asked.
For the first time Jaden looked confused and a little wary. “Correct.”
“How many people have access to the vehicles?”
“I own five, so I have five drivers, a mechanic, and someone who takes care of the bookings and the finances. Why?” Some of the wind had been taken out of his sails as though it was sinking in that they might actually think he did this.
“We believe that the killer drove a limousine to the victims’ houses to pick them up for their dates. I presume you also have access to the vehicles?” Allina asked.
“I've never driven those cars,” Jaden said firmly. “I might have a bit of a drinking problem but I'm not violent.”
Matthew arched a brow. “There are several complaints about you at your favorite bar. There have been half a dozen police call outs for disturbances of the peace.”
“I was never violent with anyone,” Jaden snapped.
Even if that was true, and Matthew didn't believe it was, that didn't count him out as a suspect. The Fairytale Killer wasn't violent per se, he killed the women when he realized they could never be what he wanted, and the frenzied assault on Georgia Lars was almost definitely spurred by an outburst of anger. Matthew believed that Jaden was prone to such violent bursts of anger.