Page 69 of Fairytale Killer
“Have we spoken with her yet?” Heidi asked.
“We called her,” Allina replied. “But she denies ever having any dresses made for her brother with the exception of Joynelle’s wedding dress, and the one she wore for the engagement party.”
“Jaden could have gotten to her, told her not to say anything to us,” Matthew suggested.
“Yeah, he could have,” Allina agreed. “The sister certainly wasn't happy to talk with us and couldn’t get us off the phone quick enough.”
“Maybe having a sister who could have made the dresses gives us enough for a warrant to get to Jaden’s computer.” They needed something specific that pointed them to the right suspect. Right now, Matthew just couldn’t make up his mind which one of them he thought was their guy.
“I think we need to …” Heidi broke off as the door was flung open.
“I have bad news,” Kane announced as he entered the room.
“Then turn around and walk straight back out,” Matthew said, he didn't want to hear any more bad news right now.
“Ha, ha,” Kane shot back.
“What is it?” Heidi asked.
“Did you find something?” Jonathon asked.
“Were you able to get enough of his blood on Rylla’s clothes?” Allina asked.
“Did you run the DNA tests?” Jonathon asked.
“Did you get a match?” Allina asked.
“Is it Jaden or Hendrick?” Matthew asked. A DNA match would solve so many of their problems.
“If you stopped asking questions, I’d have told you already,” Kane snapped as he took a seat at the table.
If Kane was in a bad mood it must be really bad news. And there was only one thing that he could think of that would have Kane in a mood like this. “It’s not either of them, is it?”
“I tested Rylla’s clothes, most of the blood was hers, but I did manage to find some samples from the man who attacked her,” Kane informed them, he always liked to present all of his information without anyone stealing his thunder. “I ran the DNA against the samples we took from Mr. Kite and Mr. Mint when they were booked earlier. Neither of them match. Neither Jaden nor Hendrick are the Fairytale Killer.”
“Maybe it wasn't the Fairytale Killer who attacked Rylla after all,” Heidi suggested, unwilling to accept that their two suspects were now cleared.
“No, he called her princess, he said her sister had told him all about her, and he tried to abduct her the same day he killed and dumped Mila. It was him. And according to Kane’s tests the Fairytale Killer isn’t either of the men we thought it was,” Matthew said.
Which was a completely terrifying prospect. A vicious killer was still free, roaming the streets, they knew there would be more victims, but there was nothing they could do to stop it from happening.
They had no suspects. They were back to square one.
And his partner was firmly in the killer’s sights.
* * * * *
8:13 P.M.
“Time to ice those ribs again.” Nate crouched beside the couch where Rylla was stretched out and pressed the bag of ice against her injured side.
“Thanks.” She smiled up at him and winced as she tried to get into a more comfortable position.
“Painkillers.” He took her hand and tipped two pills into it, then handed her a glass of water. “Don’t argue, you haven't taken anything since breakfast. I've cracked ribs before, it hurts like hell, don’t be a martyr, you need to keep your wits about you in case the killer makes another attempt at grabbing you.”
He was petrified that might happen. He had no intention of letting that man get anywhere close to her. He wasn't letting Rylla out of his sight any time soon, and Sam had organized for two men to watch Rylla’s house constantly. He should feel better knowing she was safe, but he didn't. He kept picturing her hobbling into her kitchen last night, blood all over her.
“Okay, no arguments. For you,” she added as she took the glass. He put an arm around her shoulders and lifted them so she could swallow the water.