Page 19 of Christmas Captive
So, she was here at the hospital to see him. She wasn't sure yet what she was going to say to him when she saw him, and she couldn’t deny she was a little daunted by the prospect of seeing him again—he certainly hadn’t been particularly happy to see her earlier, but she needed to know. She needed to be able to sort out her jumbled feelings. She needed answers, and she hoped that by talking to Fin, she could get them.
She saw him up ahead, striding purposefully toward a room.
Taylor’s room.
She frowned. He was really attached to the woman he’d known only twenty-four hours. The feeling seemed to be mutual. Taylor had been all over him earlier, refusing to speak with them unless Fin stayed with her, holding his hand, throwing herself into his arms when she broke down.
Fin seemed to enjoy it.
That sparked a tiny jolt of jealousy inside her.
Was it just because she and Fin shared a past or because she wanted a future with him?
It was really annoying her that she didn't know the answer to that.
What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she figure out her own life and her own feelings? She’d never had trouble with it before. She’d always known what she wanted and gone after it, but now she felt so wishy-washy and confused. Like someone had tossed her into a blender with a whole mishmash of emotions and left her to try to make sense of them while they were all being thrown about.
She really hated feeling this way.
And it was time to make it stop.
She was regaining control of her life. Losing her baby had really shaken her in a way that she would never fully recover from, but it was time to take charge. If she wanted something, she had to work for it. Now it was time to find out if she and Fin could possibly reclaim what they’d had or if things were over between them for good.
Determinedly, Chloe strode toward Taylor’s room.
Her confidence faltered a little as her hands landed on the door, and she had pushed it open barely a millimeter when she heard voices.
“You’re back.” Taylor sounded excited.
“I said I’d pop in after my shift,” Fin replied.
Chloe knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop. She should either keep moving forward and go in and ask to speak to Fin, or she should retreat and go home with her tail between her legs and leave Fin to Taylor Sallow.
She did neither.
Instead, she stayed right where she was and continued with her spying.
“Can you stay here tonight?” Taylor asked.
Fin paused, then said, “I need to go home, check on a few things, shower, and sleep before my shift tomorrow.”
He didn't sound very convincing, and apparently, Taylor thought that too, because she said, “I don’t feel safe when you're not here.”
“You are safe here, Taylor,” Fin said. “You’ve been here all day while I was working and you were fine.”
“That was different,” Taylor insisted. “I knew you were here in the building. You were close by. But if you go home, I’ll be all alone. Please, couldn’t you just stay here tonight? Then tomorrow, if you have to go home, you can. Please, Fin, please.”
The begging seemed to do the trick. “I suppose I could stay, just for tonight,” Fin said.
Chloe shook her head. That was a mistake. The more Fin became Taylor’s pillar of support, the more it would hurt her when he left.
A horrible thought struck her.
What if it wasn't just Fin trying to be a good guy and do the right thing?
What if hewantedto be here for Taylor?
What if he didn't intend to walk away?