Page 55 of Christmas Captive
“No.” Fin slipped so easily into the doctor role. Caring and yet detached. Maybe she was misreading things. Her thoughts were too jumbled up to make sense right now.
“I’ll get you some painkillers.”
Chloe wondered briefly how he was going to find them, but apparently, the hospital must have given her a prescription, because Fin pulled a small bottle from his pocket, unscrewed the cap and tipped some into his hand. Then he went into her kitchen, rummaged through cupboards until he found a glass and filled it with water.
“Thanks,” she said when he brought them to her. She was tootired and too sore to protest taking them. Anything that would make her feel better was okay with her.
When she was done, Fin took the glass and set it on the coffee table in front of the sofa he’d set her down on.
Now what?
She felt awkward around him. Unsure what to say or do because she wasn't sure what was going on behind Fin’s impossibly impassive face.
She wished he would do something.
Yell at her, talk to her, kiss her.
The last one caught her a little by surprise.
Under the circumstances, kissing her ex should be the last thing on her mind. But it wasn't. It wasexactlywhat she wished he would do.
Chloe sighed.
Having Fin here like this wasn't helping. She just wanted to go to bed, go to sleep, and wake up in the morning as though none of this had ever happened.
“Where are the instructions the doctor left for taking care of the stitches?” she asked. Thank goodness Fin had been paying attention to her follow-up care instructions because she had been too spaced out to listen.
“Don’t worry about it; I’ll look at it in the morning.”
“Wait. What?” she asked, confused. “Are you going to stop by on your way to work?”
“No. I'm staying here tonight.”
What? “You’re staying here tonight?”
“You were knocked unconscious, you should be monitored overnight. I thought you knew I was staying. I told the hospital; that’s why they didn't admit you.”
Fin was staying with her.
It was exactly what she wanted, and yet the look on Fin’s facewas not what she wanted to see. She wanted him towantto stay with her, not stay out of some sense of obligation. And right now, he didn’t look particularly enamored with the idea of spending the night.
She mustered a smile for him. “You don’t have to stay, Fin. I’ll be fine. I can ask my brother to come and stay if you're going to worry.”
“Chloe.” It was all he said, but the emotion in his voice conveyed everything she needed to know.
Findidstill love her.
Hedidstill care about her, and not just in a “she’s my ex” sort of way.
He wasn't angry with her anymore.
He still wanted her.
“You should get some rest. Unless you’re hungry and want to eat first,” Fin said, back to being all business.
She curled her nose at the thought of food, but the thought of bed was tantalizing. Of course, bed with Fin in it would be even better, but she knew neither of them was there yet.