Page 10 of Harder
“I just don’t want to run you away.”
Xavier’s brows rose, and his forehead creased with concern. “What would give you the idea that something like that would be possible?”
“Anything’s possible.”
“You driving me away isn’t. You’re the love of my life. My heartbeat. Without you, I would not survive because it is only the heart that keeps one alive.”
“You’re so sweet to me.”
“And yet I’m having second thoughts about if I tell you I love you enough.”
“No. This has nothing to do with you. I just want you to always be excited to see me and never want you to grow “used” to me, you know.”
“Bella Anima….” Xavier sighed. “I hate that you feel that way. I love you. I don’t ever want you to think getting used to your presence means you’re old to me or I’m over our love. I love you irrevocably.” He squeezed his fists, then released his fingers, wishing he could touch her, look her in her eyes, and declare his love for her.
“So you don’t mind if I take off for a while?”
“My God, Bella. You can retire if you’re ready to be home full-time.”
“This is not me rushing you or trying to make you leave your career. I know you love what you do. I would never take that away from you. I need you to understand that you don’t need to ask if it’s okay to take some time off or be home for a while or forever. I would love to come home to you every single day. I honestly would, and I need you to hear my sincerity.”
Corinne exhaled as if she’d been holding on to weight. “Good, because I’ve wanted to make love to you every day for a week straight.”
Her change in topic changed the temperature of Xavier’s body—heat sprinkling down his core straight to his dick.
“Say you promise.”
Corinne laughed. “I promise.” Her voice dipped. “My vibrator doesn’t get the job done.”
She laughed again. “It’s the only thing getting me through these lonely nights.”
“Are you sure you can’t get an early flight back?”
“I wish I could.”
“Hmm… Since we’re on the topic of lovemaking, I want to talk to you about something.”
“I’m all ears, lover.”
Xavier cleared his throat. “Would you be willing to indulge in a different sexual experience with me?”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Does it involve other women?”
Her question surprised him, and he frowned. “Do you want to be with a woman?”
His question surprised her. “No!”
“Then why would our sexual experience involve another woman?”
“I….” Corinne was ruffled. “I don’t know. You said different, so I thought I’d ask.”