Page 16 of Harder
“Of course I do.”
“Alright then. We’ve got an hour and a half before touchdown.”
“That’s long enough.”
He carried her from the lounge to the back of the plane, where they rested in each other's arms for the duration of the flight.
Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta
She exited the bathroom on a twirl, stepping into the sitting area without having to wait for Xavier’s approval of her dress.
He had been anticipating seeing her again for the last hour, and as his gaze traveled from the black sparkling Manolo Blahniks, up brown legs, to a black shimmering burlesque flapper dress, Xavier’s nostrils flared, a flame lit inside of him. She twirled slowly, allowing him to get a complete look at what she was working with. And he did, trailing his gaze up her ample ass, to the curls that lay against her back.
Corinne lifted her arms as she turned, giving him a look at the cleavage that peeked from the side and front. He noted the zipper on the side of the dress—information that was good for him when he ripped her out of it later that night.
“You’re as tempting as the lock on that front door. I could hold you hostage, tonight.”
Chiming laughter floated from Corinne. “This was your idea, remember?”
“Maybe I’m changing my mind. We don’t need—”
“Oh no, you don’t. You’ve got me all the way here, and we’re twenty minutes from the club, including traffic. We’re going to The Den tonight.”
Xavier’s gaze sparkled. “If you insist.”
“As if you don’t.”
He reached for her, drawing Corinne into his embrace, his lips at her ear. “You got me,” he whispered.
“I know I do, handsome.”
Corinne shivered. “You’re looking good enough to eat.” She checked out his ensemble. Xavier was in all Black—suede loafers, pants, and a button-down shirt that was open at his neck. Gold jewelry accented his dark look—a Rolex, two herringbones, and gold cufflinks. He smelled of blueberries and spice, and she wanted to stick her tongue out and lick the full length of him.
“We better get out of here, or we’ll continue to stare at each other until these clothes disappear, Bella Amina.”
Corinne nodded; her voice lost for the moments she continued to ogle him. Xavier cleared his throat.
“Yes, yes,” she said finally.
“After you.”
They left the Four Seasons and headed to The Den.
* * *
The parking lot was packed,and the building could stand to be a high-tower building if they added another couple of layers on top of it.
Xavier glanced at Corinne.
“What’s your first impression?”